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Law Enforcement Officer Applications (Open)

Discord Username (if applicable): 44plays
In-Game Username: Martin Montgomery
In-Game Character Name: Martin Montgomery
Project Zomboid Game Time: 372.9 hours
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

I've roleplayed on rdr2 and gta for over 3 years. I've been a Marshal on rdr2 most of the time I've roleplayed on rdr2 so I understand the basics and what not. I've also been on DayZ and Fallout 76 milsims.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to help keep people safe and happy within roleplay, make sure no one gets hurt, and make sure the land doesn't fall into chaos.
I think I have the knowledge and roleplay skills that fit the normal requirement for being apart of LEO.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?

Sacrifice myself, my goal is to keep everyone safe and happy, if that includes me dying then I'm fine with it.
Application Status: Open

Welcome to the application thread for the LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers). Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The LEOs are responsible for enforcing law and order. This includes going on patrols, making arrests, confiscating evidence, appearing in court as needed, and recording your shift logs. If chosen as a LEO, you have the unique opportunity to play a critical role in keeping our citizens safe and maintaining the peace.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Patrols/Citations
    • Regularly patrol areas and be on the lookout for crimes.
    • Issue citations and collect fines for law breakers.
  • Arresting Criminals
    • Investigate crimes/reports and arrest criminals as necessary.
    • Detain/confine dangerous criminals to keep the public safe.
  • Documenting Incidents
    • Take notes of incidents and submit reports as needed.
    • Enter incidents and other info into digital formats.
  • Appearing In Court
    • Give witness statements or testimony to ensure criminals get locked behind bars.
    • Present evidence for crimes that were committed.
  • Responsible Accountability
    • Not losing/damaging standard issue equipment (within reason).
Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (+++)
  • Team Player (++++)
  • Good Communicator (++++)
  • Friendly (++)
  • Innovative (++)
  • Experience With Firearms (++++)
  • Fast Reactions (+++)
Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): [Penguin]
In-Game Username: [SimplyPenguin]
In-Game Character Name: [Matthew Rend]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [150.6h]
Real Life Age: [16]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[yes. In real life I went to a police academy and learnt a lot from there and I’ve been part of the police force in multiple servers in the game “unturned”]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I would love to extend my knowledge of police work and help people and also I kinda need the money :). I have the veteren employment in-game and I have plenty of experience in this job. And if I don’t get it I’ll probably remain homeless]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[depends on the person. A civilian? I would risk my life for them. Any other occupation? Of course. But say theoretically there was a fight between two people, I would rather defuse the situation rather than run head first risking my life to do that]
Discord Username (if applicable): [Penguin]
In-Game Username: [SimplyPenguin]
In-Game Character Name: [Matthew Rend]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [150.6h]
Real Life Age: [16]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[yes. In real life I went to a police academy and learnt a lot from there and I’ve been part of the police force in multiple servers in the game “unturned”]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I would love to extend my knowledge of police work and help people and also I kinda need the money :). I have the veteren employment in-game and I have plenty of experience in this job. And if I don’t get it I’ll probably remain homeless]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[depends on the person. A civilian? I would risk my life for them. Any other occupation? Of course. But say theoretically there was a fight between two people, I would rather defuse the situation rather than run head first risking my life to do that]
accepted, i will send you a invite
Discord Username (if applicable): silver
In-Game Username: Samuel Faber
In-Game Character Name: Samuel Faber
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1089H
Real Life Age: 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Recently i have been roleplaying as law enforcement officers in other various servers across different games. Also, IRL i am apart of the "Army Cadets" here in Canada.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
The simple answer would be "Helping people" but in reality; it's solving crime scenes to give people some closure on what happened to their lost. To keep the streets safe, to raise awareness in our community.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Sacrifice myself. I look up to the term "If you die, you die fighting" my entire life.
Discord Username (if applicable): silver
In-Game Username: Samuel Faber
In-Game Character Name: Samuel Faber
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1089H
Real Life Age: 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Recently i have been roleplaying as law enforcement officers in other various servers across different games. Also, IRL i am apart of the "Army Cadets" here in Canada.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
The simple answer would be "Helping people" but in reality; it's solving crime scenes to give people some closure on what happened to their lost. To keep the streets safe, to raise awareness in our community.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Sacrifice myself. I look up to the term "If you die, you die fighting" my entire life.
Discord Username (if applicable): Kyumin.
In-Game Username: Benedict Adams
In-Game Character Name: Benedict Adams
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1,889.6hrs
Real Life Age: 31

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes as a Patrol Officer only

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wanted to experience more of becoming a police officer in the town and I want to tow some vehicles and give some citation tickets from traffic violators

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
To Protect and Serve I get paid to serve the people, I would sacrifice myself to save people from harm
Discord Username (if applicable): Kyumin.
In-Game Username: Benedict Adams
In-Game Character Name: Benedict Adams
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1,889.6hrs
Real Life Age: 31

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes as a Patrol Officer only

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wanted to experience more of becoming a police officer in the town and I want to tow some vehicles and give some citation tickets from traffic violators

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
To Protect and Serve I get paid to serve the people, I would sacrifice myself to save people from harm
Discord Username: AngeredCarrot
In-Game Username: Denver Johhnson/Jeff Baerbower
In-Game Character Name: Jeff Baerbower
Project Zomboid Game Time: Starting playing May 2024
Real Life Age: 38

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Looking to help out the community, see how rough it really is being on duty.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Truely depends on the situation for me to give an honest answer, but more often than not I would say yes: it would be the correct thing to do to sacrifice myself in the line of duty if it called for it to save an innocent life.
Discord Username: AngeredCarrot
In-Game Username: Denver Johhnson/Jeff Baerbower
In-Game Character Name: Jeff Baerbower
Project Zomboid Game Time: Starting playing May 2024
Real Life Age: 38

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Looking to help out the community, see how rough it really is being on duty.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Truely depends on the situation for me to give an honest answer, but more often than not I would say yes: it would be the correct thing to do to sacrifice myself in the line of duty if it called for it to save an innocent life.
Discord Username (if applicable): szancbar
In-Game Username: szancbar
In-Game Character Name: Bartholomew Turing
Project Zomboid Game Time: 142.7 hours
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I'd like to be the technician in the police (i'm an engineer (ingame)). Like fix cars and fashion any tech things that the KSP would need.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
The question is complex since nobody really can predict what one would actually do in this situation. There are many variables at work here. Fe. Is the person related to me? Do i like them? Are they important for the mission/society. Many people will have different answers for different sets of variables. Me myself i think i would at least attempt to save another's life even if i loose mine in the process. Life should be protected and even if i would die. I signed up for this, and they most probably did not.
Discord Username (if applicable): szancbar
In-Game Username: szancbar
In-Game Character Name: Bartholomew Turing
Project Zomboid Game Time: 142.7 hours
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I'd like to be the technician in the police (i'm an engineer (ingame)). Like fix cars and fashion any tech things that the KSP would need.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
The question is complex since nobody really can predict what one would actually do in this situation. There are many variables at work here. Fe. Is the person related to me? Do i like them? Are they important for the mission/society. Many people will have different answers for different sets of variables. Me myself i think i would at least attempt to save another's life even if i loose mine in the process. Life should be protected and even if i would die. I signed up for this, and they most probably did not.
Discord Username (if applicable): [elistired]
In-Game Username: [Elliot Barnes]
In-Game Character Name: [Elliot Barnes]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [59 hours]
Real Life Age: [29]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[No, but I have experience volunteering with firefighters.]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I want to keep people from being hurt, like i have.]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[I would sacrifice myself, no questions asked.]
Discord Username (if applicable): [elistired]
In-Game Username: [Elliot Barnes]
In-Game Character Name: [Elliot Barnes]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [59 hours]
Real Life Age: [29]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[No, but I have experience volunteering with firefighters.]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I want to keep people from being hurt, like i have.]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[I would sacrifice myself, no questions asked.]
Discord Username (if applicable): [DanielWiins]
In-Game Username: [Daniel Robber]
In-Game Character Name: [Daniel Robber]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [2.5k hours]
Real Life Age: [19]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[vid games, planning on applying for the local cadet program when i get the chance though irl]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[in terms of project zomboid it just sounds like an interesting experience to compare the in game logic and laws to what happens irl, like the chief not knowing the miranda rights.]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[you wouldn't apply to become a police officer if you didn't care about the lives of the ones around you.]
Discord Username (if applicable): [DanielWiins]
In-Game Username: [Daniel Robber]
In-Game Character Name: [Daniel Robber]
Project Zomboid Game Time: [2.5k hours]
Real Life Age: [19]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
[vid games, planning on applying for the local cadet program when i get the chance though irl]

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[in terms of project zomboid it just sounds like an interesting experience to compare the in game logic and laws to what happens irl, like the chief not knowing the miranda rights.]

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
[you wouldn't apply to become a police officer if you didn't care about the lives of the ones around you.]
Discord Username (if applicable): .sawse
In-Game Username: SAWSE
In-Game Character Name: SAWSE
Project Zomboid Game Time: 472 hours
Real Life Age: 26

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

For over a year I was apart of in-depth milsim on arma reforger. During this we experienced scenarios and situations related to real life tactics and responses used by soldiers in the US ARMY. This milsim was run by veteran and active duty they took it very seriously and did everything by the book. I excelled to the rank of sergeant and was responsible for leading squad and sometimes a platoon sized elements. I had to be able to react quickly and decisively. Lead and instruct others whilst in situations of duress. Training included responsiveness to contact in high intense situations. Along with learning trigger discipline and gun safety. I also had to follow and relay orders , showing a respect for those above me in command.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

I find the role of authority entertaining and essential to any kind of RP. There needs to those who conduct themselves in a respectful manner while insuring safety to the innocent and consequences to those who break the rules. Everyone wants to have a fun and safe time. Some want to cause mischief and mayhem. Both are apart of an immersive RP element and without an authority at play it would be less immersive and ent

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others?

Yes. As a soldier or law enforcement officer the lives of the innocent will always outweigh my own. It is the duty of which I am sworn to. To serve , protect and die for the innocent if needed.
Discord Username (if applicable): @thatoneguy7328
In-Game Username: Mark Braun
In-Game Character Name: Mark Braun
Project Zomboid Game Time: 530.2
Real Life Age: 17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes in games such as roblox or other rp games

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I've never cared about being seen as a hero, I just want to be able to protect those I care about from people who care nothing of others.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Yes, absolutely I would. In my mind the ones I try to protect are my top priority.
Discord Username (if applicable): @thatoneguy7328
In-Game Username: Mark Braun
In-Game Character Name: Mark Braun
Project Zomboid Game Time: 530.2
Real Life Age: 17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes in games such as roblox or other rp games

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I've never cared about being seen as a hero, I just want to be able to protect those I care about from people who care nothing of others.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Yes, absolutely I would. In my mind the ones I try to protect are my top priority.
  • Active Community Member (+++++)
  • Organized (++++)
  • Team Player (+++++)
  • Good Communicator (++++)
  • Friendly (++++)
  • Innovative (+++)
  • Experience With Firearms (++++)
  • Fast Reactions (+++++)
Application Format
Discord Username (if applicable): Frogo190/Froggy
In-Game Username: WadeWalker
In-Game Character Name: WadeWalker
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1251.4
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
yes ive been police on 2FiveM servers along with being high ranking officers on 4 roblox Rp games (emergency county) and as State troopers in 3

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I will be Professional and Do my best to serve the people and treat people like human beings and i will work well with co workers and treat Civilian's accordingly to the law and constitution

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
i will Save others as wade would rather die then watch others around him die he is willing to do whatever it takes to make the world a better place
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