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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Law Enforcement Officer Applications (Open)

Discord Username (if applicable): sheenboah6006
In-Game Username: Martin Sheen
In-Game Character Name: Matt Simmons
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1,901.2 hours
Real Life Age: 20

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Through video games, I was involved with being a part of Law Enforcement in Garry's Mod (4,400.2 hours) SCP RP and DarkRP. Primarily as a police officer between 2015 to 2017 as I obeyed the given rules of the multiple servers I was involved in. In another instance, I was also involved playing as a SWAT officer in Ready Or Not (41.7 hours), which doesn't count as an RP game but introduced me to the proper basis of being an LEO.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

I would like to be a LEO in Kentucky because I believe I can try to bring order to chaos as so far I've experienced a fair amount and had to defend myself. Given the familiarity I have with the firearms in game, I'd like to think that I can try to use them as best as I can.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?

Given under those circumstances, I would be willing to sacrifice myself to save others regardless of reputation. As long as my legacy carries on, others will try to use it for the betterment of everyone else or for the worst of their own intentions. Despite how it plays out, I personally hope for the best and wish for Kentucky to live in harmony.
Discord Username (if applicable): AliyahTheShortestIdiot
In-Game Username: Bohuslav Melnyk
In-Game Character Name: Bohuslav Melnyk
Project Zomboid Game Time: 500+
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role: I was a weed dealer the entirety of last iteration, sure it was fun, but now I think Bohuslav turning for the better would be fantastic, besides Burely thinks I’m a pretty mature player, so I think I would be great for roleplay it’s events and such

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I suppose so, canonically my character lost his entire family so he’d sacrifice himself to save the only officers and people he knows.
Discord Username (if applicable): Jason Mitchell
In-Game Username: Samueldrek
In-Game Character Name: Jason Mitchell
Project Zomboid Game Time: 60hrs (edited to show current play time)
Real Life Age: 37

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I have worked with several law enforcement agency's as a vendor but no academy or anything like that.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I'm a huge fan of roleplaying and as a forever DM I really enjoy facilitating fun. I believe that law enforcement gives the best opportunity to facilitate fun on the server. I'm also a huge fan of No Pixel GTA and I see how important a strong police department on the server can really set the tone. All things being equal, I believe police should only get a major win about 20% of the time, unless the server is particularly harsh on criminals.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I don't believe Jason would sacrifice himself. I think he would perform all reasonable and some unreasonable things to save as many lives as he could, including putting himself in harms way. But he would not just offer himself up where he had 0% chance of coming out alive. I believe he would trade places with a hostage if the kidnappers haven't proven to be too hostile in hopes of talking things out. He takes his job seriously but at the end of the long shift, it's just a job.
Discord Username (if applicable): virsnieks
In-Game Username: Solomons
In-Game Character Name: Corey Harris
Project Zomboid Game Time: 200hrs+
Real Life Age: 19

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I do, I have been apart of many FiveM roleplay communities, and I currently work as a Municipal police officer in my city irl.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I love the server and the roleplay it brings, I know that active LEOs are a very important aspect. I definitely have the knowledge and experience and I will be a perfect addition to the community as a law enforcement officer. I wish to partake in the fun roleplay by enforcing laws, and doing passive police roleplay, from paperwork, to just passing the time with colleagues.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
As a law enforcement officer it is your job to protect anyone and everyone in the public, so I most definitely WOULD risk my life if I was to save another persons life from any danger.
Discord Username (if applicable): Bruno Lamar
In-Game Username: Delta
In-Game Character Name: Bruno Lamar
Project Zomboid Game Time: 200+ hours
Real Life Age: 21

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes I played FiveM City Cop RP before for some months. I also have a rough idea from other youtube FiveM cop videos and RL videos .Other then that I have no experience in other places

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I have a bit of experience in the role I have always enjoyed the intense chases or gunfights that happen, especially the aesthetic oh the patrol lights while your doing your job.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Depends on who im sacrificing my life for. If I was giving up my life for a group of kids or a family yes. If I was doing it for someone who just murdered someone and I had to give my life in order to get said person in jail no, there must be another way. It all depends on the situation and it's always a hard call.
Discord Username (if applicable): virsnieks
In-Game Username: Solomons
In-Game Character Name: Corey Harris
Project Zomboid Game Time: 200hrs+
Real Life Age: 19

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I do, I have been apart of many FiveM roleplay communities, and I currently work as a Municipal police officer in my city irl.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I love the server and the roleplay it brings, I know that active LEOs are a very important aspect. I definitely have the knowledge and experience and I will be a perfect addition to the community as a law enforcement officer. I wish to partake in the fun roleplay by enforcing laws, and doing passive police roleplay, from paperwork, to just passing the time with colleagues.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
As a law enforcement officer it is your job to protect anyone and everyone in the public, so I most definitely WOULD risk my life if I was to save another persons life from any danger.
Discord Username (if applicable): thatoneguy7328
In-Game Username: Jack Whitlock
In-Game Character Name: Jack Whitlock
Project Zomboid Game Time: 54.8H
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I have played police roles in roblox and minecraft RP servers/games. It's not police but I often play security or military RP games.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be an officer because I feel it would have a more fun experience on the server for my playstyle and would be a great way to connect with the people in the server as well.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Absolutely, I've adamantly fought for people or things that can't defend themselves like animals, plants, etc. on many occasions risking things valuable to me like for example grades at my career tech school.
Discord Username (if applicable): sheenboah6006
In-Game Username: Martin Sheen
In-Game Character Name: Matt Simmons
Project Zomboid Game Time: 1,901.2 hours
Real Life Age: 20

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Through video games, I was involved with being a part of Law Enforcement in Garry's Mod (4,400.2 hours) SCP RP and DarkRP. Primarily as a police officer between 2015 to 2017 as I obeyed the given rules of the multiple servers I was involved in. In another instance, I was also involved playing as a SWAT officer in Ready Or Not (41.7 hours), which doesn't count as an RP game but introduced me to the proper basis of being an LEO.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

I would like to be a LEO in Kentucky because I believe I can try to bring order to chaos as so far I've experienced a fair amount and had to defend myself. Given the familiarity I have with the firearms in game, I'd like to think that I can try to use them as best as I can.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?

Given under those circumstances, I would be willing to sacrifice myself to save others regardless of reputation. As long as my legacy carries on, others will try to use it for the betterment of everyone else or for the worst of their own intentions. Despite how it plays out, I personally hope for the best and wish for Kentucky to live in harmony.
Accepted Welcome to the force
Discord Username (if applicable): Bruno Lamar
In-Game Username: Delta
In-Game Character Name: Bruno Lamar
Project Zomboid Game Time: 200+ hours
Real Life Age: 21

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes I played FiveM City Cop RP before for some months. I also have a rough idea from other youtube FiveM cop videos and RL videos .Other then that I have no experience in other places

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I have a bit of experience in the role I have always enjoyed the intense chases or gunfights that happen, especially the aesthetic oh the patrol lights while your doing your job.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Depends on who im sacrificing my life for. If I was giving up my life for a group of kids or a family yes. If I was doing it for someone who just murdered someone and I had to give my life in order to get said person in jail no, there must be another way. It all depends on the situation and it's always a hard call.
App is accepted please reach out to a high command member of the KSP
Application Status: Open

Welcome to the application thread for the LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers). Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The LEOs are responsible for enforcing law and order. This includes going on patrols, making arrests, confiscating evidence, appearing in court as needed, and recording your shift logs. If chosen as a LEO, you have the unique opportunity to play a critical role in keeping our citizens safe and maintaining the peace.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Patrols/Citations
    • Regularly patrol areas and be on the lookout for crimes.
    • Issue citations and collect fines for law breakers.
  • Arresting Criminals
    • Investigate crimes/reports and arrest criminals as necessary.
    • Detain/confine dangerous criminals to keep the public safe.
  • Documenting Incidents
    • Take notes of incidents and submit reports as needed.
    • Enter incidents and other info into digital formats.
  • Appearing In Court
    • Give witness statements or testimony to ensure criminals get locked behind bars.
    • Present evidence for crimes that were committed.
  • Responsible Accountability
    • Not losing/damaging standard issue equipment (within reason).
Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (+++)
  • Team Player (++++)
  • Good Communicator (++++)
  • Friendly (++)
  • Innovative (++)
  • Experience With Firearms (++++)
  • Fast Reactions (+++)
Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): CaptainSwashy
In-Game Username: Noah Sliverman
In-Game Character Name: Noah Sliverman
Project Zomboid Game Time: 93.5 hours
Real Life Age: 17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My character is the type of guy who wants to protect the innocent and serve the community the best he can. I am a responsible, organized individual with a passion to do right by people.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I would sacrifice myself if it were to save others.
Discord Username (if applicable): Oberman_fd
In-Game Username: Karl Matters
In-Game Character Name: Karl Matters
Project Zomboid Game Time: 493
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I have been in multiple ERLC communities on roblox, most notable was in Orange County RP, where I got to the rank of captain before leaving due to inactivity in the server, I also am interested in my country (germany) police force. I know alot about police in germany, so I want to expand my knowledge to the USA, I was also a LE Instructor in FiveM.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I have experience, I want to be smarter in US police operations. I want to join my friend Mason in helping the community and also I want to stop criminals from ruining life here. I am a good fit because I am active and I have knowledge.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I would not sacrifice myself, because the duties of a police officer are in a self preserving manner, emergency services are chosen over civillians in multiple priority sheets.
Discord Username (if applicable): Echelon, mr.floppa#6095
In-Game Username: Aleksandrovsk Kozlov
In-Game Character Name: Aleksandrovsk Kozlov
Project Zomboid Game Time: 566.8 Hours
Real Life Age: 14 years of age

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes, i used to Role-Play as a Wisconsin State Patrol Officer in CSOM, and used to be a Master Sergeant with a Rifle Certificate, and a Medical Certificate.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role: I want to join to have an decent Role-Play experience while also getting some money and such, and not grind for Hour's on end for what seems to be not a good lick of profit with cutting down tree's and turning them into Lumber.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?: Yeah, i would die in a life or death situation because it's literally my job, if i said no I wouldn't to this question I would be denied extremely quickly.
Discord Username (if applicable): CaptainSwashy
In-Game Username: Noah Sliverman
In-Game Character Name: Noah Sliverman
Project Zomboid Game Time: 93.5 hours
Real Life Age: 17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My character is the type of guy who wants to protect the innocent and serve the community the best he can. I am a responsible, organized individual with a passion to do right by people.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I would sacrifice myself if it were to save others.
Accepted please see a high command member of the force
Last edited:
Discord Username (if applicable): Echelon, mr.floppa#6095
In-Game Username: Aleksandrovsk Kozlov
In-Game Character Name: Aleksandrovsk Kozlov
Project Zomboid Game Time: 566.8 Hours
Real Life Age: 14 years of age

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes, i used to Role-Play as a Wisconsin State Patrol Officer in CSOM, and used to be a Master Sergeant with a Rifle Certificate, and a Medical Certificate.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role: I want to join to have an decent Role-Play experience while also getting some money and such, and not grind for Hour's on end for what seems to be not a good lick of profit with cutting down tree's and turning them into Lumber.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?: Yeah, i would die in a life or death situation because it's literally my job, if i said no I wouldn't to this question I would be denied extremely quickly.
Accepted please see a high command member of the force
Discord Username (if applicable): Oberman_fd
In-Game Username: Karl Matters
In-Game Character Name: Karl Matters
Project Zomboid Game Time: 493
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I have been in multiple ERLC communities on roblox, most notable was in Orange County RP, where I got to the rank of captain before leaving due to inactivity in the server, I also am interested in my country (germany) police force. I know alot about police in germany, so I want to expand my knowledge to the USA, I was also a LE Instructor in FiveM.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I have experience, I want to be smarter in US police operations. I want to join my friend Mason in helping the community and also I want to stop criminals from ruining life here. I am a good fit because I am active and I have knowledge.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I would not sacrifice myself, because the duties of a police officer are in a self preserving manner, emergency services are chosen over civillians in multiple priority sheets.
Accepted please see a high command member of the force
Discord Username (if applicable): thatoneguy7328
In-Game Username: Jack Whitlock
In-Game Character Name: Jack Whitlock
Project Zomboid Game Time: 54.8H
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
I have played police roles in roblox and minecraft RP servers/games. It's not police but I often play security or military RP games.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be an officer because I feel it would have a more fun experience on the server for my playstyle and would be a great way to connect with the people in the server as well.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Absolutely, I've adamantly fought for people or things that can't defend themselves like animals, plants, etc. on many occasions risking things valuable to me like for example grades at my career tech school.
Accepted please see a high command member of the force
Discord Username (if applicable): JonahFoxyDaNoob
In-Game Username: Harold Oakroot
In-Game Character Name: Harold Oakroot
Project Zomboid Game Time: 894 hours
Real Life Age: 13 soon 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes. I've had past experience with law enforcement in video games, I play a lot of games with police.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Cause with my experience with the server and knowing a lot about law enforcement in video games. may I add, I have seen the server's penal code before and read through it.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I'd sacrifice myself To ensure the safety and wellbeing of others. To make sure another person lives to see another day.
Discord Username (if applicable): TheFlyingGunmen
In-Game Username: Gaberiel Cruz
In-Game Character Name: Gaberiel Cruz
Project Zomboid Game Time: 40.4 hours [I had the game since 2023 tho]
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
In roblox games

[Old version] Mano County Sheriffs office 2016-2018
United States 1940's Military Police 2023-2024
Distant Society NYPD 2020-2021

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be a LEO because I want to help the citizens of Kentucky and Make sure the law is being abided and Making sure the citizens are safe from criminals.
Its a dangerous job but I would like to Put my life on the line for others safety to make sure that Justice will always be served
I would be a good fit because I like helping other people in dangerous situations, And I am a very friendly person when it comes to meeting other people,
I love working in Police groups because it makes the RP more fun

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Yes I would sacrifice myself for the safety of the Civilians. I would do everything in my power to make sure that Civilians are in Safe hands even if it means
Risking my Character for other people to live another day.
Discord Username (if applicable): JonahFoxyDaNoob
In-Game Username: Harold Oakroot
In-Game Character Name: Harold Oakroot
Project Zomboid Game Time: 894 hours
Real Life Age: 13 soon 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
Yes. I've had past experience with law enforcement in video games, I play a lot of games with police.

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Cause with my experience with the server and knowing a lot about law enforcement in video games. may I add, I have seen the server's penal code before and read through it.

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
I'd sacrifice myself To ensure the safety and wellbeing of others. To make sure another person lives to see another day.
Discord Username (if applicable): TheFlyingGunmen
In-Game Username: Gaberiel Cruz
In-Game Character Name: Gaberiel Cruz
Project Zomboid Game Time: 40.4 hours [I had the game since 2023 tho]
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of LEO or other police related activities?
In roblox games

[Old version] Mano County Sheriffs office 2016-2018
United States 1940's Military Police 2023-2024
Distant Society NYPD 2020-2021

Describe why you would like to be a LEO and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be a LEO because I want to help the citizens of Kentucky and Make sure the law is being abided and Making sure the citizens are safe from criminals.
Its a dangerous job but I would like to Put my life on the line for others safety to make sure that Justice will always be served
I would be a good fit because I like helping other people in dangerous situations, And I am a very friendly person when it comes to meeting other people,
I love working in Police groups because it makes the RP more fun

Consider yourself in a life or death situation. Would you sacrifice yourself to save others? Or let them die, and live another day?
Yes I would sacrifice myself for the safety of the Civilians. I would do everything in my power to make sure that Civilians are in Safe hands even if it means
Risking my Character for other people to live another day.