Business Name: Wapiti Republic
Business Type: Mechanical, Food Production, Meat Production, Carpentry
Business Location: The Kacynski Cabin. I can't upload, it wont let me because the file is too large apparently.
List Of Goods Sold/Services Provided:
-Dismantling of vehicles
-Repair of Vehicles
-Sale of vehicle parts
-Carpentry Services
Look, I know it's a weird business, but this is basically me registering with the government that my dumb fuck ass is gonna be doing business on my property, and I need access to the warehouses for fertilizer and shit like that.
Business Type: Mechanical, Food Production, Meat Production, Carpentry
Business Location: The Kacynski Cabin. I can't upload, it wont let me because the file is too large apparently.
List Of Goods Sold/Services Provided:
-Dismantling of vehicles
-Repair of Vehicles
-Sale of vehicle parts
-Carpentry Services
Look, I know it's a weird business, but this is basically me registering with the government that my dumb fuck ass is gonna be doing business on my property, and I need access to the warehouses for fertilizer and shit like that.