Name: Katherine Trinity Landry (usually just goes by "Kat")
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 28 (December 13th)
Height: 5'9.5" / 177cm
Weight: 179lbs / 81kg
Appearance: Kat is a somewhat tall girl with a stocky build. She has broad shoulders, and reduced curves. She has a "bony" face with a defined jaw and cheekbones, and a long thin nose. She is fairly toned but not particularly buff. She has long, bone-straight, center-parted strawberry-blonde hair that reaches her waist. She usually wears it either down or in a braid, or in a bun when she's working. She is rather pale and has light freckles covering much of her skin. Her eyes are a soft greenish-grey, and she has hooded, almost droopy eyelids that make her look constantly tired, as well as thick unkempt eyebrows. She has a stiff upright posture and a bad case of RBF that makes her come off as somewhat cold and intimidating, though unintentionally so. Rarely seen without a cigarette dangling from her mouth.
Personality: Kat is usually a very quiet person, she isn't so much "shy" as much as she just prefers to keep to herself. She rarely speaks unless spoken to, and when she does speak she is often blunt and brutally honest. Despite her initially chilly demeanor, Kat is actually one of the most laid-back people you'll ever meet. She is open-minded, flexible, and very rarely gets angry. She is usually more content to follow orders than give them out. She isn't "dumb" by any means, but she is a little bit slow to learn new things and sometimes she can seem a little bit lacking in common sense, or perhaps a little spacey. However, she is very skilled in hands-on manual labor and loves doing tedious physical tasks that most would consider miserable. She seems calm and collected to most, but on the inside she holds a lot of anxiety. She hates to show emotional vulnerability, and she would never admit it, but she's a little bit lonely and lacking in friends. Her favorite things are nature, music, whiskey, and sports.
History: Kat was born in rural Louisiana to a poor family. Her mother was an elementary school teacher and her father was ex-Navy, and they owned a small ranch property surrounded by pine forests. When her parents noticed that she had little interest in making friends and was still not speaking by age 4, Kat was diagnosed with autism. Kat didn't start speaking until she was 5. It was also around this time that Kat's little brother, Noah, was born. Kat struggled with schooling her whole life, and was fairly unpopular and lacking in friends at that time as well, but she was always one of the top players in her school's girls' baseball team. She first learned to play the guitar at about age 14 when her dad began teaching her. When Kat was almost 17, her mother left them and moved to California with another man. From that point on it was just Kat, Noah, and her dad. After her mom left, Kat dropped out of highschool, getting her GED later at about age 22. She stayed at home most of the time with her brother helping their dad with the ranch, especially as their dad began to get older. Kat was more or less perfectly content to live this way indefinitely, until her father died in a car accident suddenly. After this, she sold her half of the inherited property to her brother and left Louisiana to seek out a new life. Recently she's found herself in Knox County, Kentucky and has decided to stay for a while and perhaps find work. She isn't sure if she's here to stay long term or not yet.