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Hospital Staff - Paramedic Application (Open)


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Server Staff
The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital EMS (Emergency Medical Services) position as a Paramedic. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Hospital EMS team is responsible for providing Emergency Medical Services outside the hospital at the site of an incident, transport to the Hospital ER, and possibly additional treatment at the hospital. You will report to a Hospital ER Doctor and if there is no ER Doctor on staff at the hospital upon your arrival you will be tasked with admitting and possibly continue treating the patient. You will be trained on and provided Hospital Incident Reports and required to file an incident report for each patient using the provided report documents. It is the EMS teams responsibility to track Ambulance inventory management and requesting supplies from the ER Doctor before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed at the hospital is expected to maintain the high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. Join our team and help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of Patients
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls.
    • Treat patients off site following protocols and hospital procedures.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
    • Note: Not all EMS need to have driving skill/license. You can be partnered or stationed at high EMS activity locations.
  • Reporting and Tracking Work Schedules
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each patient.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
  • Ambulance Bay and Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained off-site and at the hospital.
    • Review Ambulance and ambulance bay supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal.
  • EMS Track 1: Start the game as EMS
    • First Aid skill of 4+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • +2 profession Nurse
      • +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • EMS Track 2: Start game as EMS in training
    • First Aid skill of 1+ after character creation

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (++++)
  • Organized (+)
  • Team Player (+++)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++) (not all EMS need be ambulance drivers though)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 1 to 4 quickly.

Application Format

Discord Username (if applicable): [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Username: [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Character Name: [ANSWER HERE]
Real Life Age: [ANSWER HERE]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
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Discord Username (if applicable): johnnyboymarston1911
In-Game Username: MrFreshies
In-Game Character Name: MrFreshies
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I have Med rp experience on a large gmod scp roleplay server, two console gta rp servers, and er lc on roblox

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I think I would be a good fit for the role because most people go flocking to the police but most people never enjoy the quiet side of things... I am not most people

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would cut the clothes around the wound if necessary, check BP, stop any bleeding that isn't from the wound (I keep the foreign object in to stop from excessive bleeding), and administer pain medication as well as artificial blood.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I have learned the traffic laws in many games that required me to drive an ems vehicle and this is no different.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have plenty experience with pies first aid mod as it provides a certain level of realism.
Discord Username (if applicable): Dead.Bolt
In-Game Username: RyanR
In-Game Character Name: Ryan Ross
Real Life Age: 15

in video games Ive role played as doctors and in real life I love medicine I would become a doctor but I’m not smart enough for medical school

Side job for cash for a Tow truck and a rv, I also just love medicine irl and I’ve had good training with with medical system in other games and love roleplaying, I also have expert driver and speed demon trait.

I’d examine their head area and prioitize those areas first Just put a sterile bandage on it to prevent bleeding the reason for this is because those drain hp the fastest, if it was a deep wound any kind depending on where it is I’d slap a bandage if it isn’t that bad but if it’s in a critcal spot then I’d stich it to prevent hp loss, leaving the object in prevents major blood loss I’d also apply the right drugs mainly being painkillers, if it gets really bad or is really bad upon arriving I’d give them some more blood.

In game I’m a mechanic I’m mechanics level 5 have expert driver and speed demon, speaking of wich I’d be able to fix ambulances for bonus pay or just be a ambulance mechanic, if your interested we could work out a contract with the hospital if the other people are interested we could work somthing out with the whole goverment.

yes I play with heavy modded all the time.
Discord Username: vvlnn
In-Game Username: sopaiii
In-Game Character Name: Cecelia "Yasmine" Keita
Real Life Age: 18

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I've been an EMS in multiple games when I was younger, roleplayed as medical professionals, and I've worked at a Pharmacy IRL.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My character's family owned a pharmacy in her backstory, so she's been working her way to being a medical professional. Out of character I enjoy medical roleplay and excelled in the past with those types of positions such as EMS, Nurses, or Doctors of all sorts. I've even roleplayed as a Therapist.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Here's my response to the scenario;
- If the patient is unconscious, including low vitals, I'd stabilize the wounds and rush them to the ER.
- If they're conscious and it's a GSW, I'd bandage the wound and stabilize the patient, driving them to the ER.
- With a large glass shard insertion, I would wrap a gauze around the lower shard to stabilize it as pulling the shard out would cause more issues such as internal bleeding.
I'd adjust to any scenario I haven't put, making sure the patient(s) are as stable as possible then transport them to the ER.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I have the following traits. Student First Aid, First Aider, Pharmacist, and Expert Driver. My First Aid skill is at level 5 as of writing.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement)
Yes, extensive experience.
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As of thursday last week EMS is a part of the fire department, if you would not like to work with the fire department and only wanted to work for the hospital we understand, happy roleplay, if you want to still work as ems please put in an application in the fire department section of the forum, thank you.
Discord Username (if applicable): Genie
In-Game Username: Benedict_Adams
In-Game Character Name: Benedict_Adams
Real Life Age: 30

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes from GTA San Andreas Role Play

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wanted to fill out the role of EMS because we are lack of EMS or a Doctor in the server and I wanted to contribute to help the role that is not filled

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
For the GSW I would apply a first aid and bring the patient to the hospital to treat his wound removing the bullets on their body and disinfecting the wound
Same goes with the glass in a wound, it's better to bring them to the hospital instead of treating them on the streets due to sanitation and safety of the patient.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I do not have mechanic skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have experience on First Aid system but I do not have experience on Immersive Medicine Mods but I would love to try it out step by step.
Benedict and Katherine approved for EMS. I will look for you both when on my admin to get you set up at the hospital.
Discord Username (if applicable): Jackie McSnackie
In-Game Username: Jackie McSnackie
In-Game Character Name: Jackie McSnackie
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes (in Video Games)

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I enjoy being useful in that type of manner. everyone needs a medic eventually, and it's something I enjoy :3

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Clear the scene, asses the patient, stop the bleeding, load them into the ambulance/vehicle and take them to a more sterile environment before removing the bullet(s)/Glass. I would do this so the patient is treated as safely as possible and doesn't receive and infection or anything like that.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I can drive very well yes, no I do not have the actual skills

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement)
I do not. but I plan to learn it before moving out and attempting to treat the public
Approved. Jackie, open a ticket on discord and we can coordinate a time to get you set up.
Also, we are not using Immersive medicine anymore but are using More Medical which is easy to learn. All the medications it adds say what they are used for in their tooltip box.
Discord Username (if applicable): PALSJ
In-Game Username: Olivia Greene
In-Game Character Name: Olivia Greene
Real Life Age: 24

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I love playing as an EMT/EMS in PZRP and have done that several times--Irl, I work in a medical setting.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Olivia Greene is a dedicated, hard worker whose parents are respected doctors in their own rights. However, not wanting to follow the same path, she chose to get into the--much more busy--emergency room lifestyle.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
IC, I would apply emergency/fast-acting I would want to stop their bleeding if possible. Otherwise, the bullet or other foreign body stays in until we can administer a transfusion and other fluids to get them away from that critical edge. OOC, I would apply hemostop and remove the glass/bullet, then bandage and wait for a doctor to be able to take it further. If not possible, bandages go on and we get fluids and food in to keep their health from decreasing further.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
OOC, yep! I'm a decent enough driver. IC, a smidge! But I'd be open to training on it.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
Lots of experience!
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Discord Username (if applicable): mimesmori
In-Game Username: Bernadine Pepper
In-Game Character Name: Bernadine Pepper
Real Life Age: 25

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I have absolutely none besides Slapping band-aids on myself, But I have enthusiasm and extensive knowledge of medical TV shows.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
In the normal game I tend to mainly take up medical skills. There's an alternate universe out there were Bernadine is a surgeon. I will say I also like the in game medical mechanics. There's something really nice about those drop down menus.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
1. Obvs first off you gotta make sure you've got your PPE on. 2. Assess the situation and Stabilize them 3. Depending on the situation A) Take them to the hospital B) Dig that shit out 4. Profit.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
So far I've hit like 3 stop signs but I besides that I'm getting better!

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I've got decent experience with the in game mechanics, hell I literally just bandaged a random guy I found bleeding and sat with him until medics could transport him. I think I've got this in the bag.
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damn, Bernadine. I didnt see that I had a new application. I will come chat with you when I find you online. If I forget and you see me yell at me to get you a job :D
Discord Username: @lime_green_ (zach - Kat Landry/Eri Naokawa)
In-Game Username: Eri Naokawa
In-Game Character Name: Eri Naokawa
Real Life Age: 22

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?:
Yes, I usually play medic when I play PZ with my brother, as well as medic or support roles when I play other multiplayer games. Also, I am fairly knowledgeable IRL about anatomy and medicine, and I also have real-life knowledge of emergency medical procedures.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Eri has Lvl 7 First Aid skill right off the bat, and has been studying her whole life to become a doctor and open her own medical practice. She has a doctorate degree in medicine. Being an emergency response paramedic is just another step to achieving her dreams. Eri is calm and collected under pressure and skilled with trauma treatment on the fly, always carrying medical supplies on hand whether on the job or not.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?:
Step 1: If bleeding is not immediately life-threatening, remove glass/bullet with tweezers, or by hand if no other implement is available.
Step 2: If bleeding is not immediately life-threatening, disinfect all wounds with alcohol or disinfectant.
Step 3: Bandage all wounds, preferably with sterilized bandages. Head and neck wounds are to be bandaged first, of course.
Step 4: Transport patient to hospital, or another safe location to heal. If possible, stay near patient to change bandages as frequently as needed.
Step 0: If bleeding IS immediately life-threatening (massive trauma to head or neck for example) bandage IMMEDIATELY and wait for bleeding to stop before attempting to remove glass/bullets or disinfecting. A tourniquet may also be used to reduce bleeding while removing bullets/glass if available.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement):
Eri has no mechanical knowledge to speak of but she is a Fast Learner and easily picks things like this up, especially if necessary for her job. She is an OKAY driver but may be a bit reckless at high speeds. (This is just because I have dyspraxia IRL and struggle with fine motor movements lmfao)

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement):
Yes. A lot (for the vanilla system especially). I have also been studying the Immersive Medicine mod to better be able to serve the community of WP as a medical professional.
Discord Username (if applicable):Memester_Pstealer
In-Game Username: Calisto Kritz
In-Game Character Name: Calisto
Real Life Age:17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
In game i do

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wanna help people when they are in need.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Apply hemostatic to stop bleeding. Next step is to pull out the bullets/Glass/etc and stitch the wound to prevent continuos bleeding and prevention of injuries. Next apply alcohal wipes or some substitute to prevent infection.And last bandage the injurys to prevent the issues on the body

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I can drive but level 1 mecanic skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
Yes i do and i have Lv 4 medical
Discord Username: @lime_green_ (zach - Kat Landry/Eri Naokawa)
In-Game Username: Eri Naokawa
In-Game Character Name: Eri Naokawa
Real Life Age: 22

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?:
Yes, I usually play medic when I play PZ with my brother, as well as medic or support roles when I play other multiplayer games. Also, I am fairly knowledgeable IRL about anatomy and medicine, and I also have real-life knowledge of emergency medical procedures.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Eri has Lvl 7 First Aid skill right off the bat, and has been studying her whole life to become a doctor and open her own medical practice. She has a doctorate degree in medicine. Being an emergency response paramedic is just another step to achieving her dreams. Eri is calm and collected under pressure and skilled with trauma treatment on the fly, always carrying medical supplies on hand whether on the job or not.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?:
Step 1: If bleeding is not immediately life-threatening, remove glass/bullet with tweezers, or by hand if no other implement is available.
Step 2: If bleeding is not immediately life-threatening, disinfect all wounds with alcohol or disinfectant.
Step 3: Bandage all wounds, preferably with sterilized bandages. Head and neck wounds are to be bandaged first, of course.
Step 4: Transport patient to hospital, or another safe location to heal. If possible, stay near patient to change bandages as frequently as needed.
Step 0: If bleeding IS immediately life-threatening (massive trauma to head or neck for example) bandage IMMEDIATELY and wait for bleeding to stop before attempting to remove glass/bullets or disinfecting. A tourniquet may also be used to reduce bleeding while removing bullets/glass if available.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement):
Eri has no mechanical knowledge to speak of but she is a Fast Learner and easily picks things like this up, especially if necessary for her job. She is an OKAY driver but may be a bit reckless at high speeds. (This is just because I have dyspraxia IRL and struggle with fine motor movements lmfao)

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement):
Yes. A lot (for the vanilla system especially). I have also been studying the Immersive Medicine mod to better be able to serve the community of WP as a medical professional.
approved as Resident Doctor
Discord Username (if applicable):Memester_Pstealer
In-Game Username: Calisto Kritz
In-Game Character Name: Calisto
Real Life Age:17

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
In game i do

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wanna help people when they are in need.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Apply hemostatic to stop bleeding. Next step is to pull out the bullets/Glass/etc and stitch the wound to prevent continuos bleeding and prevention of injuries. Next apply alcohal wipes or some substitute to prevent infection.And last bandage the injurys to prevent the issues on the body

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I can drive but level 1 mecanic skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
Yes i do and i have Lv 4 medical
approved. as an FYI, it is better to bandaged broken glass and bullets on scene and transport to the Hospital. Then take care of those. This way the patient does not lose too much blood or have too much agony that their health drops fast and they go in a downed state. Let me know when you can connect in game and we will get you set up.as EMS you can pick to be based at the Hospital or the Fire Department
Discord Username (if applicable): johnnyboymarston1911
In-Game Username: MrFreshies
In-Game Character Name: MrFreshies
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I have Med rp experience on a large gmod scp roleplay server, two console gta rp servers, and er lc on roblox

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I think I would be a good fit for the role because most people go flocking to the police but most people never enjoy the quiet side of things... I am not most people

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would cut the clothes around the wound if necessary, check BP, stop any bleeding that isn't from the wound (I keep the foreign object in to stop from excessive bleeding), and administer pain medication as well as artificial blood.

And are your s
The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital EMS (Emergency Medical Services) position as a Paramedic. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Hospital EMS team is responsible for providing Emergency Medical Services outside the hospital at the site of an incident, transport to the Hospital ER, and possibly additional treatment at the hospital. You will report to a Hospital ER Doctor and if there is no ER Doctor on staff at the hospital upon your arrival you will be tasked with admitting and possibly continue treating the patient. You will be trained on and provided Hospital Incident Reports and required to file an incident report for each patient using the provided report documents. It is the EMS teams responsibility to track Ambulance inventory management and requesting supplies from the ER Doctor before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed at the hospital is expected to maintain the high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. Join our team and help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of Patients
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls.
    • Treat patients off site following protocols and hospital procedures.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
    • Note: Not all EMS need to have driving skill/license. You can be partnered or stationed at high EMS activity locations.
  • Reporting and Tracking Work Schedules
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each patient.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
  • Ambulance Bay and Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained off-site and at the hospital.
    • Review Ambulance and ambulance bay supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal.
  • EMS Track 1: Start the game as EMS
    • First Aid skill of 4+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • +2 profession Nurse
      • +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • EMS Track 2: Start game as EMS in training
    • First Aid skill of 1+ after character creation

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (++++)
  • Organized (+)
  • Team Player (+++)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++) (not all EMS need be ambulance drivers though)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 1 to 4 quickly.

Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.

kills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I have learned the traffic laws in many games that required me to drive an ems vehicle and this is no different.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the Immersive Medicine mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have plenty experience with pies first aid mod as it provides a certain level of realism.
Discord Username (if applicable): JoeMartinez0449
In-Game Username: dunno what to put. RockThatSaulGoodman?
In-Game Character Name: Saul Beaufort
Real Life Age: Old 'nuff

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes. I've played other servers and did lots of medical stuff on them.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I see Bernadine is often overwhelmed while working considering shes the only active doctor most times.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) First, I would bandage all their wounds to gather my bearings. Neck and head wounds first. I would administer painkillers. Then I would begin removing broken glass/bullets from them one at a time then bandaging then stitching. AFter that I would go back and disinfect each and every one of the wounds before applying a sterile bandage and sending them on their way.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I can drive cars in PZ pretty good. But I have a low mechanic skill.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have north of 3000 hours in PZ. Im well familiarized with the medical system