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Hospital Staff - Paramedic Application (Open)

Discord Username (if applicable): JoeMartinez0449
In-Game Username: dunno what to put. RockThatSaulGoodman?
In-Game Character Name: Saul Beaufort
Real Life Age: Old 'nuff

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes. I've played other servers and did lots of medical stuff on them.

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I see Bernadine is often overwhelmed while working considering shes the only active doctor most times.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) First, I would bandage all their wounds to gather my bearings. Neck and head wounds first. I would administer painkillers. Then I would begin removing broken glass/bullets from them one at a time then bandaging then stitching. AFter that I would go back and disinfect each and every one of the wounds before applying a sterile bandage and sending them on their way.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I can drive cars in PZ pretty good. But I have a low mechanic skill.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have north of 3000 hours in PZ. Im well familiarized with the medical system
Approved, Let me know when you're online or Look for Samuel Faber He's the Operations Manager of EMS.
Discord Username (if applicable): Literally frog
In-Game Username: Frog
In-Game Character Name: Jackson Campbell
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yea i do alot of medical stuff in zomboid and im doing a medical class at school i also am often a medic in most games and other servers

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I have a high medical skill level and im active often and carry medical stuff on me all the time and i help a ton of people with injuries daily and im lookin to be a field medic in the army

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
id apply a torniquet remove the bullet disinfect stich apply disinfectant and bandage other wounds

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
i can drive the ambulance i have no mechanics i can learn mechanics if needed

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
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Hier ist die überprüfte und übersetzte Version deiner Nachricht:

Discord Username (if applicable): Oberman_fd
In-Game Username: Karl Matters
In-Game Character Name:
Karl Matters
Real Life Age: 15
Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being a part of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes, I do medical stuff in many other games and i´m in the junior firebrigade in reallife.
Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be a paramedic because I want to help other people. I think I would be a good paramedic because I have a lot of experience with medical things.
How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
First disinfect everything then remove the glass and then bandage every wound
And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement) I know that I have enough skill to drive the ambulance. I don't have any mechanic skills.
Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
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Hier ist die überprüfte und übersetzte Version deiner Nachricht:

Discord Username (if applicable): Oberman_fd
In-Game Username: Karl Matters
In-Game Character Name:
Karl Matters
Real Life Age: 15
Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being a part of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes, I do medical stuff in many other games and i´m in the junior firebrigade in reallife.
Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I want to be a paramedic because I want to help other people. I think I would be a good paramedic because I have a lot of experience with medical things.
How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
First disinfect everything then remove the glass and then bandage every wound
And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement) I know that I have enough skill to drive the ambulance. I don't have any mechanic skills.
Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
Approved, Look for Me Benedict or Samuel so we can set you up.
Discord Username (if applicable): ForgetTheGamer
In-Game Username: William Wolff
In-Game Character Name: William W. Wolff
Real Life Age: 18

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?

In video games and yes

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

I would like to be a Paramedic because I want to be on call to help others who need medicinal assistance in any way possible. I believe I'd be a good fit because I can fill the role best needed with professionalism, seriousness, and all while being fun in the process. Making the rp scene as comfortable and real as possible.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

Helping someone with a gunshot wound first I would stop the bleeding with a hemostatic agent which will help speed up blood coagulation and clotting, and depending on the bullets or glasses placement I'd secure the wound and tend to any other injuries on the person and prep them for transport to the nearest hospital for treatment.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)

Yes, I have extensive skills in driving but I have no mechanics skill.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)

I am not sure if I do, but I have experience in the base first aid system and I may need some more training on the mechanics of this system.
Discord Username (if applicable): ForgetTheGamer
In-Game Username: William Wolff
In-Game Character Name: William W. Wolff
Real Life Age: 18

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?

In video games and yes

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

I would like to be a Paramedic because I want to be on call to help others who need medicinal assistance in any way possible. I believe I'd be a good fit because I can fill the role best needed with professionalism, seriousness, and all while being fun in the process. Making the rp scene as comfortable and real as possible.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

Helping someone with a gunshot wound first I would stop the bleeding with a hemostatic agent which will help speed up blood coagulation and clotting, and depending on the bullets or glasses placement I'd secure the wound and tend to any other injuries on the person and prep them for transport to the nearest hospital for treatment.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)

Yes, I have extensive skills in driving but I have no mechanics skill.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)

I am not sure if I do, but I have experience in the base first aid system and I may need some more training on the mechanics of this system.
Approved, please look for me Benedict or Our EMS Operations Manager Mr. Faber
Discord Username (if applicable): Fitz_
In-Game Username: Roman Fitzer
In-Game Character Name: Roman Fitzer
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I do the medical in other games

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I saw Sam work and want to do that too. I was pharmacist last iteration so I think I would be good

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Start with the injuries by disinfecting and bandaging them then move on to the glass. Remove the glass, disinfect the wound, suture it and bandage it

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I drive. I am amateur mechanic

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I was pharmacist last iteration and helped people quite a bit
Discord Username (if applicable): Fitz_
In-Game Username: Roman Fitzer
In-Game Character Name: Roman Fitzer
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I do the medical in other games

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I saw Sam work and want to do that too. I was pharmacist last iteration so I think I would be good

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Start with the injuries by disinfecting and bandaging them then move on to the glass. Remove the glass, disinfect the wound, suture it and bandage it

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I drive. I am amateur mechanic

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I was pharmacist last iteration and helped people quite a bit
Approved, Please look for me Benedict or Our EMS Operations Manager Mr. Faber
Discord Username (if applicable): _syntak_
In-Game Username: Steve Tobias
In-Game Character Name: Steve Tobias
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
i usually play a medical role if there is one because i dont like combat as much as helping people live

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
i have seen a lot of people die or be close to death and i want to make sure everyone is ok

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
i would see if they wont die from me taking out the object and sewing the deep wound and do it if it would save there life and if they would die while im doing that i would try another way just to save their life

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
i almost never crash while driving a vehicle, i dont have any mechanics skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
yes i mainly check peoples wounds and know exactly what to do to heal the injury, i dont really have experience with the more medical mod
Discord Username (if applicable): JonahFoxyDaNoob
In-Game Username: Harold Oakroot
In-Game Character Name: Harold Oakroot
Real Life Age: 13 turning 14 soon

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
i play some rp servers that have situations that medical related and also i know some medical advise IRL

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Cause i will try to rescue and help people in need and i think i am a good at rp

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
first i check their pulse then if their injuries are not too life threating i disinfect and pull the glass out bullet out with my tweezers. if the injuries are life threating i skip these two steps and just bandage the wounds tightly and securely. i then escort the patient to the hospital quickly. when the wounds have stopped bleeding i disinfect the wound then proceed to pull the glass or bullet out. then i reapply the bandages or use a suture needle to sew the wound up it really depends on the wound.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
my driving is pretty good. i don't have any skill in mechanics.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
No. But i will try to study the mods when i get the chance.
Discord Username (if applicable): JonahFoxyDaNoob
In-Game Username: Harold Oakroot
In-Game Character Name: Harold Oakroot
Real Life Age: 13 turning 14 soon

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
i play some rp servers that have situations that medical related and also i know some medical advise IRL

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Cause i will try to rescue and help people in need and i think i am a good at rp

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
first i check their pulse then if their injuries are not too life threating i disinfect and pull the glass out bullet out with my tweezers. if the injuries are life threating i skip these two steps and just bandage the wounds tightly and securely. i then escort the patient to the hospital quickly. when the wounds have stopped bleeding i disinfect the wound then proceed to pull the glass or bullet out. then i reapply the bandages or use a suture needle to sew the wound up it really depends on the wound.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
my driving is pretty good. i don't have any skill in mechanics.

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
No. But i will try to study the mods when i get the chance.
Approved, Look for me Benedict or our EMS Operations Manager Mr. Faber for the set up.

We can teach you how the More Medical Mods works
The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital EMS (Emergency Medical Services) position as a Paramedic. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Hospital EMS team is responsible for providing Emergency Medical Services outside the hospital at the site of an incident, transport to the Hospital ER, and possibly additional treatment at the hospital. You will report to a Hospital ER Doctor and if there is no ER Doctor on staff at the hospital upon your arrival you will be tasked with admitting and possibly continue treating the patient. You will be trained on and provided Hospital Incident Reports and required to file an incident report for each patient using the provided report documents. It is the EMS teams responsibility to track Ambulance inventory management and requesting supplies from the ER Doctor before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed at the hospital is expected to maintain the high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. Join our team and help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of Patients
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls.
    • Treat patients off site following protocols and hospital procedures.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
    • Note: Not all EMS need to have driving skill/license. You can be partnered or stationed at high EMS activity locations.
  • Reporting and Tracking Work Schedules
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each patient.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
  • Ambulance Bay and Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained off-site and at the hospital.
    • Review Ambulance and ambulance bay supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal.
  • EMS Track 1: Start the game as EMS
    • First Aid skill of 4+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • +2 profession Nurse
      • +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • EMS Track 2: Start game as EMS in training
    • First Aid skill of 1+ after character creation

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (++++)
  • Organized (+)
  • Team Player (+++)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++) (not all EMS need be ambulance drivers though)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 1 to 4 quickly.

Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): Plauged
In-Game Username: Ace Vix
In-Game Character Name: Ace Vix
Real Life Age: 13

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I have very little in SCP:ROLEPLAY

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
So i can be apart of a team!

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
First Check all their Injuries than bandage them quickly, If there is a neck injury that is top priority than head. If glass or bullet is in them than remove the bullet and quickly bandage it
And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
Im not the best at driving and at the time I dont have any mechanics skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
The main thing I know about the In game First Aid system is that the neck bleeds extra quick as well as well as hand slows down combat and leg slows down movement
I do not have experience with the First aid mod
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Discord Username (if applicable): Plauged
In-Game Username: Ace Vix
In-Game Character Name: Ace Vix
Real Life Age: 13

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I have very little in SCP:ROLEPLAY

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
So i can be apart of a team!

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
First Check all their Injuries than bandage them quickly, If there is a neck injury that is top priority than head. If glass or bullet is in them than remove the bullet and quickly bandage it
And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
Im not the best at driving and at the time I dont have any mechanics skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
The main thing I know about the In game First Aid system is that the neck bleeds extra quick as well as well as hand slows down combat and leg slows down movement
I also have alot of first aid traits as well as being a doctor

Im a Good roleplayer as well as i will be fairly active(I just joined recently)

Also lvl 8 in first aid
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The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital EMS (Emergency Medical Services) position as a Paramedic. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Hospital EMS team is responsible for providing Emergency Medical Services outside the hospital at the site of an incident, transport to the Hospital ER, and possibly additional treatment at the hospital. You will report to a Hospital ER Doctor and if there is no ER Doctor on staff at the hospital upon your arrival you will be tasked with admitting and possibly continue treating the patient. You will be trained on and provided Hospital Incident Reports and required to file an incident report for each patient using the provided report documents. It is the EMS teams responsibility to track Ambulance inventory management and requesting supplies from the ER Doctor before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed at the hospital is expected to maintain the high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. Join our team and help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of Patients
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls.
    • Treat patients off site following protocols and hospital procedures.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
    • Note: Not all EMS need to have driving skill/license. You can be partnered or stationed at high EMS activity locations.
  • Reporting and Tracking Work Schedules
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each patient.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
  • Ambulance Bay and Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained off-site and at the hospital.
    • Review Ambulance and ambulance bay supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal.
  • EMS Track 1: Start the game as EMS
    • First Aid skill of 4+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • +2 profession Nurse
      • +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • EMS Track 2: Start game as EMS in training
    • First Aid skill of 1+ after character creation

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (++++)
  • Organized (+)
  • Team Player (+++)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++) (not all EMS need be ambulance drivers though)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 1 to 4 quickly.

Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): Bohuslav Melnyk
In-Game Username: Irynna Melnyk
In-Game Character Name: Irynna Melnyk
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
medic in arma once

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My second character needs a cool job and Irynna friend is a paramedic, I also think responding to calls will be fun instead of crime scenes

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
bandage, feed them protein bars, then remove and stitch wounds, why? So they don’t die

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
Expert and speed demon, so yeah

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
no :(
Discord Username (if applicable): KRNBR4N
In-Game Username: KRNBR4N?
In-Game Character Name: Kieran Brun
Real Life Age: 15 [16 on 30TH JULY]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes. I did a medical course on dangers and CPR when i was younger. I have also taken part in helping others with healing in many other roleplay games that involve ambulances

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
No-one is ever online and the police have to fit the role. but because im british, im online when the other paramedics arent, meaning I can cover half the day they cannot, leading to a smoother workforce and roleplay, this will also help me move past my felonies and will allow me to stop doing crime and instead help others and things, just would be more fun for me and others

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Well, Its best to keep the glass in or bullet in first to stop bleeding out, I would provide painkillers or anesthesia to reeduce pain and then once in a calm mood and blood flow is slower, its safe enough to take the obstruction out and to then to disinfect and bandage the area, its important for them to be calm to reduce the amount of blood lost. leading to a healthier patient once all major issues are covered and they are in stable condition, they should be transported for medical help in a hospital

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I play need for speed :cool:
but yes indeed. I can drive the ambulance without causing any damage or injuries and I can make sure that the patient gets to hospital in time

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is no.t a requirement)
with lemon grass and sickness, and bandaging and things, but not too familiar. but even without much training i believe I can still do a great job
Discord Username (if applicable): _syntak_
In-Game Username: Steve Tobias
In-Game Character Name: Steve Tobias
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
i usually play a medical role if there is one because i dont like combat as much as helping people live

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
i have seen a lot of people die or be close to death and i want to make sure everyone is ok

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
i would see if they wont die from me taking out the object and sewing the deep wound and do it if it would save there life and if they would die while im doing that i would try another way just to save their life

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
i almost never crash while driving a vehicle, i dont have any mechanics skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
yes i mainly check peoples wounds and know exactly what to do to heal the injury, i dont really have experience with the more medical mod
Approved, Please open a general inquiries ticket to schedule a time to be set up.
Discord Username (if applicable): Bohuslav Melnyk
In-Game Username: Irynna Melnyk
In-Game Character Name: Irynna Melnyk
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
medic in arma once

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My second character needs a cool job and Irynna friend is a paramedic, I also think responding to calls will be fun instead of crime scenes

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
bandage, feed them protein bars, then remove and stitch wounds, why? So they don’t die

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
Expert and speed demon, so yeah

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
no :(
Approved, Please open a general inquiries ticket to schedule a time to be set up.
Discord Username (if applicable): Leo21707
In-Game Username: Leo
In-Game Character Name: Michael Millers
Real Life Age: 13 (14 in about 1 month)

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
I've played some EMS games and i'm also a member of the Youth Red Cross (Basically Red Cross but for children)

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I would like to save lifes and help people in need.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Stabilize the patient and then start 1 by 1 treating the injuries from the most severe to the less severe wound. And why? Because it is our job to help people.

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I got a bit of driving skill but I might crash a little bit and I do not have mechanics skill

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is not a requirement)
I have experience with the first aid system and immersive medicine but not with the more medical mod.
Discord Username (if applicable): KRNBR4N
In-Game Username: KRNBR4N?
In-Game Character Name: Kieran Brun
Real Life Age: 15 [16 on 30TH JULY]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or EMS team?
Yes. I did a medical course on dangers and CPR when i was younger. I have also taken part in helping others with healing in many other roleplay games that involve ambulances

Describe why you would like to be a Paramedic and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
No-one is ever online and the police have to fit the role. but because im british, im online when the other paramedics arent, meaning I can cover half the day they cannot, leading to a smoother workforce and roleplay, this will also help me move past my felonies and will allow me to stop doing crime and instead help others and things, just would be more fun for me and others

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Well, Its best to keep the glass in or bullet in first to stop bleeding out, I would provide painkillers or anesthesia to reeduce pain and then once in a calm mood and blood flow is slower, its safe enough to take the obstruction out and to then to disinfect and bandage the area, its important for them to be calm to reduce the amount of blood lost. leading to a healthier patient once all major issues are covered and they are in stable condition, they should be transported for medical help in a hospital

And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? Do you have any mechanics skill? (these are not a requirement)
I play need for speed :cool:
but yes indeed. I can drive the ambulance without causing any damage or injuries and I can make sure that the patient gets to hospital in time

Do you have any in-game experience with the first aid system and/or the More Medical mod? (this is no.t a requirement)
with lemon grass and sickness, and bandaging and things, but not too familiar. but even without much training i believe I can still do a great job
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