Business Name: Gettin' Hammered
Business Type: Hardware Store/Contractor
Business Address: 403 West Main Street
Business Location:
Location Photo
List Of Goods Sold/Services Provided:
- Tools
- Fasteners
- Materials, metals, wood, plastic. etc
- Work Clothing
- Some farming supplies but significantly less than a farming store
- Premixed fuels but significantly less than a gas station
- Propane and Propane Accessory's
- Appliances and fixtures (Washers, dryers, showers, sinks and toilets)
- Services to install all of the above listed
- Contracting services to build additions to existing property's as well as renovations
Business Type: Hardware Store/Contractor
Business Address: 403 West Main Street
Business Location:
Location Photo
List Of Goods Sold/Services Provided:
- Tools
- Fasteners
- Materials, metals, wood, plastic. etc
- Work Clothing
- Some farming supplies but significantly less than a farming store
- Premixed fuels but significantly less than a gas station
- Propane and Propane Accessory's
- Appliances and fixtures (Washers, dryers, showers, sinks and toilets)
- Services to install all of the above listed
- Contracting services to build additions to existing property's as well as renovations