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Mayor Elections

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Meade County Police Department
  1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the SOPs

The Kingsmouth Sheriff's Department Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) serve as the comprehensive guide for all personnel within the department. These SOPs outline the department's policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure the efficient and effective execution of law enforcement duties while upholding the principles of service and integrity.

1.2 Scope and Applicability

These SOPs are applicable to all sworn officers, support staff, and personnel working under the Kingsmouth Sheriff's Department. They apply to all law enforcement activities, both in the field and within the department's facilities.

1.3 Revision History

These SOPs are subject to periodic review and revision to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and departmental policies. Revisions will be documented with the date and a brief description of changes. Personnel are responsible for staying informed about updates to the SOPs.

2. General Policies

2.1 Conduct & Professionalism

  • While representing the department, officers must maintain a professional demeanor.
  • Misconduct may result in administrative action.
2.2 Use of Force

  • Officers should use appropriate force levels, reserving lethal force for immediate life-threatening situations.
2.3 Arrests

  • Arrests are only permissible for charges listed in the Kentucky Penal Code.
  • Incident logs must record all arrests in the communications discord server.
2.4 Miranda Rights

  • Suspects should be read their Miranda Rights before questioning.
2.5 Jurisdiction

  • Refer to the department's jurisdiction map for patrol boundaries.

3. Traffic Stops

3.1 Purpose

Traffic stops are a common law enforcement activity aimed at ensuring public safety on our roadways. This section outlines the procedures and safety protocols to be followed during traffic stops.

3.2 Officer Safety

During a traffic stop, the safety of the officer is paramount. Officers should approach vehicles cautiously, keeping in mind that minor details such as vehicle positioning and handling can significantly impact safety.

3.3 Traffic Stop Procedures

  • Initiate the stop by activating your lights and siren.
  • Position your vehicle safely behind the stopped vehicle, keeping a safe distance.
  • Approach the stopped vehicle from the driver's side, maintaining a clear view of the driver and occupants.
  • Greet the driver courteously and request necessary identification and documents.
  • Ensure proper communication and respect during the stop.
  • Follow departmental guidelines for issuing citations or warnings.
  • If additional assistance is needed, request backup promptly.
3.4 Documentation

All traffic stops and related interactions should be documented accurately, including the reason for the stop, any violations observed, and any actions taken during the stop.

3.5 De-escalation and Professionalism

Officers should strive to de-escalate tense situations and conduct themselves with professionalism and courtesy at all times.

4. Duty to Report Misconduct

4.1 Reporting Requirements

All Kingsmouth Sheriff's Department personnel have a fundamental duty to report any misconduct observed or known within the department. This duty extends to all ranks and positions.

4.2 Misconduct Definitions

Misconduct includes but is not limited to actions that violate departmental policies, ethical standards, or the law. Examples of misconduct may involve behavior such as excessive use of force, theft, dishonesty, harassment, or any actions contrary to departmental values.

4.3 Reporting Process

  • Observing Misconduct: If an employee witnesses or becomes aware of misconduct, they must report it promptly to their immediate supervisor or higher-ranking authority.
  • Confidentiality: Reporting individuals should understand that their identity will be protected to the extent possible, and they will not face retaliation for reporting misconduct in good faith.
  • Providing Details: When reporting misconduct, personnel should provide as much detail as possible, including dates, times, locations, and individuals involved.
  • Chain of Command: Reports should be made through the established chain of command, but if the misconduct involves a supervisor, the report should be directed to the next higher-ranking authority.
4.4 Investigation and Resolution

Upon receiving a report of misconduct, the department will initiate an impartial and thorough investigation. Investigations may involve interviews, evidence collection, and documentation. Appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken based on the findings.

4.5 Reporting False Claims

Falsely accusing someone of misconduct with the intent to harm their reputation or career is a serious offense. Individuals found making false claims will be subject to disciplinary action.

5. Security Measures

5.1 General Security

Maintaining the security of departmental facilities and equipment is essential to prevent unauthorized access, theft, or misuse.

5.2 Locking Procedures

  • All department facilities and patrol cars should be securely locked when not in use.
  • Failing to lock doors or patrol cars may result in disciplinary action.
5.3 Equipment Security

  • Firearms and equipment should be securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel.
  • Unauthorized access to firearms or equipment may lead to severe consequences.
5.4 Records Security

  • All sensitive department records and documents should be kept in secure storage.
  • Access to confidential records should be limited to authorized personnel.
5.5 Monitoring and Vigilance

Personnel are encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity or security concerns to supervisors or appropriate authorities.

5.6 Alarm Systems

Facilities and vehicles equipped with alarm systems should have these systems activated during non-operational hours.

5.7 Emergency Response

In case of a security breach or emergency, personnel should follow established emergency response protocols.

6. Uniform & Grooming Policies

6.1 Authorized Uniform Class

  • Officers must wear authorized uniform classes (e.g., Class A, B, C) as designated by the department.
6.2 Uniform Appearance

  • Uniforms should be clean, well-maintained, and presentable at all times while on duty.
  • Uniform items should be appropriately sized to ensure a professional appearance.
6.3 Duty Belt

  • Officers should wear their duty belts at all times while on patrol, ensuring essential equipment is readily accessible.
6.4 Accessories

  • Glasses and other necessary accessories may be worn, but they should not compromise officer safety or professionalism.

7. Equipment

7.1 Required Equipment

Officers are required to carry the following equipment:

  • Handheld radio
  • Nightstick
  • Service pistol (holstered)
  • Traffic vest and bulletproof vest may be worn in certain situations or while on patrol.
7.2 Radio Usage

  • Officers should keep their radios turned on either using their vehicle or handheld radio on the DISPATCH channel. The TALK channel should only be used if multiple officers are using the DISPATCH channel or a separate channel is needed for a major situation.

8. Arrest Procedure

8.1 Detaining

  • To detain an individual, have the suspect put their hands up and turn around. Afterward, you may approach them and right-click on them to 'restrain' the suspect, preventing them from using any weapons or attacking people.
8.2 Booking

  • Fill out all necessary information in the game and bring the suspect to a holding cell, reporting everything in incident logs. Ensure you provide heavy detail, as it will be used in court.
8.3 Transport

  • In order for an arrested individual to be moved, you must unrestrain the suspect and have them enter the backseat of your patrol car. Afterward, have them raise their hands up again within the patrol car and restrain them inside to ensure the suspect does not attempt to break roleplay by stealing items in your vehicle.

9. Plain Clothes Officers

9.1 Introduction

Plain clothes officers play a vital role in undercover and investigative operations while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and discretion. This section outlines the guidelines, responsibilities, and procedures for plain clothes officers within the Kingsmouth Sheriff's Department.

9.2 Identification and Authorization

Plain clothes officers must carry proper identification and authorization documents issued by the department. These credentials should be presented upon request to any person they interact with during the course of their duties. This identification should clearly state their status as law enforcement officers.

9.3 Attire and Appearance

Plain clothes officers are authorized to wear civilian clothing suitable for their assignment. However, their attire should not compromise their ability to be readily identified as law enforcement officers when necessary. While in plain clothes, officers should carry their badge and credentials securely and be prepared to display them upon demand.

9.4 Firearms and Equipment

Plain clothes officers are required to carry their issued service weapon at all times while on duty, regardless of their attire. All safety and handling procedures for firearms apply, and they must ensure that their weapon remains concealed until needed. Other equipment, such as radios and handcuffs, should also be carried discreetly.

9.5 Operational Procedures

Plain clothes officers should adhere to the same operational procedures outlined in these SOPs as uniformed officers when executing law enforcement actions. They must identify themselves as law enforcement officers before taking any law enforcement action whenever practical, ensuring that their actions are lawful and within department guidelines.

9.6 Conduct and Professionalism

While in plain clothes, officers should exhibit the highest standards of conduct and professionalism. Any misconduct or improper behavior can tarnish the department's reputation and compromise investigations. Officers are reminded that their actions reflect on the department even when not in uniform.

9.7 Reporting and Documentation

Plain clothes officers are responsible for maintaining detailed reports of their activities, investigations, and interactions. These reports should be submitted in a timely manner and include all relevant information necessary for subsequent court proceedings or departmental review.

9.8 Specialized Training

Plain clothes officers may undergo specialized training related to undercover and investigative operations. This training is designed to prepare officers for the unique challenges and risks associated with plain clothes assignments.

9.9 Oversight and Review

The activities of plain clothes officers may be subject to oversight and review by supervisory personnel or internal affairs to ensure compliance with departmental policies and the law.

9.10 Confidentiality and Cover Identities

Plain clothes officers may be required to maintain confidential cover identities for their safety and the success of their operations. These identities should not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

10. Operations

10.1 Policing Operations

  • Establishing a presence and enforcing active policies within the city of Louisville.
  • Working in trials and courts.
  • Enforcing all city policies and laws.
  • Maintaining a strong community and assisting the citizens of Louisville.
10.2 Court Operations

  • Provide safety and security during court trials and hearings.
  • Search everybody entering the courthouse, remove any weapons or tools before entering the building unless they are public officials or have been allowed to carry it.
  • Have officers be present within the courtroom to act as bailiffs.
  • Have officers outside in the event of an attack within the court.
  • Watch over convicted members and prevent them from escaping.
