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Scott Oh’s dark family history

Scott Oh

Character Name (Clear Cove)
Scott Oh
Phone Number (Clear Cove)
Character Biography
Scott grew up in a small town in Tennessee where he grew up like any normal kid until he was about 6… his mom had a drug problem and his dad was a police officer trying to get his wife to stop doing drugs… the arguments at night and the yelling corrupted his mind and hurt him bad aswell as his older brother Tommy… eventually when he was about 8 his mother left the picture and unknowingly to this day if she was dead or not… Scott’s school life was rough with his older brother… Scott would not be a big party or loud crowd kind of person more of the type of guy to sit around at a party and drink lemonade and play on his game boy… Scott got picked on a lot in middle school and luckily his older brother would help him whenever Scott felt brave enough to tell him… but Scott did not want his brother Tommy to defend anymore Scott wanted to make a impact on himself and make a decision for the better… so around when high school broke out he immediately signed up for Freshman Football which he really enjoyed he was a wide receiver and his number on his jersey was 78… he played football till he finished his JV year after his sophomore year which is when he made a decision in his Junior year to join the wrestling team.. he thought it would have been good for him because he already could bench 240 and deadlift around 350.. but when Scott joined the wrestling team he was surprised on how challenging the practices where and how good the other players were but a good trait about Scott is that he was a quick learner… and that’s enough about Scott for a moment… let’s talk about his brother Tommy.. his brother Tommy was definitely the opposite of Scott he loved going to parties and he loved sports more than Scott did.. Tommy did weights and did football all his high school years and he was good at it like very good he played as a D-linemen and the number on his jersey was 22… his brother always went to all of the high school party’s.. if there was a party Tommy Oh was at it.. and his brother Tommy not only did he show up… but he showed out he could shotgun more beers then anyone else could at any party at anytime… and Tommy used to push Scott to these party’s to try and get Scott to Live a Little bit Scott was just not into party’s that much he hated the thought of getting embarrassed or being annoying to the people around him… and now let’s hear a little bit about Scott’s and Tommy’s dad… his dad was Jared Oh and he served in the military for 8 years getting the rank of a Lieutenant he served in the Vietnam war in a combat division specifically a Machine Gun division he carried around M-60 and killed as many as 400 men in the war with his M-60 and his sidearm he carried was a Colt M1911 that he used to kill 127 men not including the 400 men he killed with his M-60…his father saw the ups and downs and thick and thin in that war and still came out victorious.. but his brother Tobias Oh was not to lucky during the war him and his brother sticked together like glue but one day while they were posted up in the forest a Vietnamese man lunged out of the forest and took a knife and stabbed his brother in the throat. The knife was in his throat when Tobias fought off the Vietnamese man with his fist, eventually killing him smashing his face in with a rock and Jared was trying his best to shoot the man but his brother was in a struggle with him and he could not fire risking a shot to his brother …… his brother eventually bled out cause of the wound and Jared had no choice but to take his dog tags and a picture of Tobias girlfriend named Shelly and kept moving forward… but enough on there lives for a little…Tommy had invited Scott to a party which Scott finally gave in and went to and Scott was having fun with his brother drinking, listening to music, and having fun.. until Scott’s crush walked into the party but Scott decided to talk to her it was all going well until the liquor got to Scott… he threw up all over his crush Kristen… Scott never went to another party again and blamed his brother for what happened and that cause a chain reaction of tension between him and his brother which caused them to get into a lot of physical altercations… but when Scott’s brother turned 20 and Scott turned 18 Tommy moved from Tennessee to Texas and from the point on he has not seen his brother since…and that same year a tragic moment happened that changed Scott’s life forever… it was like any other day for Jared when he sudden got a call of a robbery in progress.. “wait..” he thought “that’s just a block away” so he flipped on his lights and punched it… he was the first to arrival and scene, and when he stepped out of his patrol vehicle, automatic gunfire was thrown his way, he immediately ducked into cover behind his vehicle when four other responding officers arrive on scene… The gun battle had gotten too intense and the other officers had backed off but Jared had stayed to fight the two criminals… he shot and killed one of the criminals with his S&W model 29 revolver but when he ducked down to reload… he had reloaded and peaked up when the last robber was waiting for him and shot him right the head with a m16… Scott had found out later in the day that his father was dead and the news… broke him for the rest of his life… he bought pills a week later and attempted to Overdose… his grandparents had traveled from Kentucky to Tennessee to check on Scott when they had Walked in the door and found him foaming from the mouth and shaking… they rushed him to the hospital and Scott had luckily recovered a month later… he then moved from Tennessee to Kentucky after his fathers funeral… four years had past when scott was 22 when his grandma pasted away of stage 4 breast cancer… and a year later when he was 23 his grandpa got him a job at McCoy Logging Co… another year went by when he turned 24 his grandpa was crushed by a excavator… he had been in the Logging Company for 3 years when he quit at 25 and moved to rosewood for a year… he had gotten a job at the local spiffos burger shop… he decided to move to West Point when he turned 26… which happen to be the best decision of his life… he met a lot of good people at got his first job at a bakery named Crepè Cafe … he later got a spot at the local sheriff’s office at the Meade County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO)… he got to know quite a few people at the sheriffs office and really liked his job in the community… then one day when he was driving down the road he saw a beautiful blonde woman named Kate Elise walking down the road… he offered her a ride and Kate had accepted… they drove around town a little bit and it had seemed to Scott that Kate was a very nice girl and then after there drive they became friends and they began to talk after that… Scott really liked this girl and they got to know each other and realized they a lot in common with each other … they talked for a while and Scott has asked Kate out and she said yes….and eventually Scott had asked Kate in the parking lot of Henry Landcasters bar if Kate wanted to be with Scott which Kate had said Yes and after that Kate had Scott had become a couple and eventually they were engaged and then they became Husband and Wife and during that time Scott had made a big impact and difference and had eventually became a Corporal in the MCSO and he was doing good in his position and that is the Scott’s story so far….