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Medical Director Applications (Closed)


Staff member
Application Status: Closed

Welcome to the application thread for the Medical Director. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Medical Director is responsible for overseeing all Emergency Medical Services. This includes hiring/firing paramedics, training (or appointing a trainer), payroll, and accounting for previous incidents (or implementing procedures to account for previous incidents). If chosen as the Medical Director, you have the unique opportunity to play a critical role in keeping our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Hiring/Firing Paramedics
    • You have the final say over who does or doesn't work for the Medical Department.
    • Open your very own application/hiring process to find qualified paramedics.
  • Training
    • Train EMS/medical staff the way you want them to operate out in the field.
    • Don't have the time? Appoint someone to do it all for you.
  • Payroll
    • Pay your staff by the hour, or salary, or even with incentives/bonuses.
    • You're also allowed to pay your staff with any combination of payments you'd like.
  • Accountability
    • Keep track of and record incidents that happened.
    • Still don't have time? Get your paramedics to do it all for you after they've finished their call.
Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (++++)
  • Organized (++)
  • Team Player (+++)
  • Good Communicator (+)
  • Accounting Experience For Payroll (+)
  • Friendly (++)
Application Format
Discord Username (if applicable): [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Username: [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Character Name: [ANSWER HERE]
Real Life Age: [ANSWER HERE]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?

Describe why you would like to be the Medical Director and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

How would you manage and operate this department if you were given this role?
If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Last edited:
Discord Username (if applicable): Trithian
In-Game Username: Ian Wheeler
In-Game Character Name: Ian
Real Life Age: Really want to call out us over 40 folks

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of EMS or in running a department?
I was a lifeguard from 1993-2002. I also have friends who have been EMS, Nurses, and Doctors for over 20-30 years so I have a resource if I have a question on something medical.
Through college I was also a manager for a fast food restaurant and helped a new business by setting up and running their kitchen to help get them started. Both of which included a lot of training other people.
I have spent 20 years in government finance and contracts in the private sector and been lead on numerous projects. I had to regular train other people on government compliance, contract submissions, and fiscal reporting.

Describe why you would like to be the EMS Director and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I had some experience with Eddie on the last iteration. His shoes will be huge to fill and I wish he was here for this role. I have a lot of free time being semi-retired and can invest that time in training not just EMS but other medical professionals as well.

How would you manage and operate this department if you were given this role?
I would like to expand this role to Medical Director that oversees not just EMS but the hospital as well. I submitted a business app to turn the school into a medical center and would be willing to evolve this into a full hospital to server the community. After spending 9 hours tending burn ward patients last iteration launch I do not want to see that kind of medical need falling on a small staff of two. I will want to train people for positions as department heads, EMS being one, pharma, doctors, surgeons even. I think there is some RP possibilities to have surgeries that could help with certain bad traits, pending founder approval of course.

Thank you for considering my application.
Trithian / Ian
Discord Username (if applicable): Trithian
In-Game Username: Ian Wheeler
In-Game Character Name: Ian
Real Life Age: Really want to call out us over 40 folks

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of EMS or in running a department?
I was a lifeguard from 1993-2002. I also have friends who have been EMS, Nurses, and Doctors for over 20-30 years so I have a resource if I have a question on something medical.
Through college I was also a manager for a fast food restaurant and helped a new business by setting up and running their kitchen to help get them started. Both of which included a lot of training other people.
I have spent 20 years in government finance and contracts in the private sector and been lead on numerous projects. I had to regular train other people on government compliance, contract submissions, and fiscal reporting.

Describe why you would like to be the EMS Director and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I had some experience with Eddie on the last iteration. His shoes will be huge to fill and I wish he was here for this role. I have a lot of free time being semi-retired and can invest that time in training not just EMS but other medical professionals as well.

How would you manage and operate this department if you were given this role?
I would like to expand this role to Medical Director that oversees not just EMS but the hospital as well. I submitted a business app to turn the school into a medical center and would be willing to evolve this into a full hospital to server the community. After spending 9 hours tending burn ward patients last iteration launch I do not want to see that kind of medical need falling on a small staff of two. I will want to train people for positions as department heads, EMS being one, pharma, doctors, surgeons even. I think there is some RP possibilities to have surgeries that could help with certain bad traits, pending founder approval of course.

Thank you for considering my application.
Trithian / Ian
Approved for review and accepted for the position. You may now manage your new department at your discretion.
Kentucky RP West Point Expansion iteration applications may now be made below this post.

Discord Username Dead.Bolt
In-Game Username: (undetermined but probably somthing around Ryan ross because server hasent dropped yet)
In-Game Character Name: Ryan Ross
Real Life Age: 16

when I was younger I always wanted to be a Doctor but due to my lack of grades and not being the smartest I was never able to actual become one and decided to go into the trades, I love roleplaying in a matter of fact Im an admin on another text rp server but I assure you That WILL NOT be a time issue because of how I manage my time, Furthermore I Love playing games like prison architect wich shows running a prison and I could put my skills to use in a hospital environment, I always loved the idea ot being becoming a doctor and helping my peers injurys and making them feel better I also know first aid irl.

Id be a good fit because I can manage really well and I always want to be a doctor irl and IC,

Id manage it somewhat direct, Tell you what not to do and what to do I'm not gonna let people trample over me and do what they want because Thats disrespectful now im not gonna be a asshole to my surrounding members but I will be telling them what they should/shouldn't do I will organize everything have it laid out in a way that you can easily access everything, I will be a nice person but I will not let my peers treat my like garbage,

Thanks for reving my applications

Sincerely, DeadBolt
Discord Username Dead.Bolt
In-Game Username: (undetermined but probably somthing around Ryan ross because server hasent dropped yet)
In-Game Character Name: Ryan Ross
Real Life Age: 16

when I was younger I always wanted to be a Doctor but due to my lack of grades and not being the smartest I was never able to actual become one and decided to go into the trades, I love roleplaying in a matter of fact Im an admin on another text rp server but I assure you That WILL NOT be a time issue because of how I manage my time, Furthermore I Love playing games like prison architect wich shows running a prison and I could put my skills to use in a hospital environment, I always loved the idea ot being becoming a doctor and helping my peers injurys and making them feel better I also know first aid irl.

Id be a good fit because I can manage really well and I always want to be a doctor irl and IC,

Id manage it somewhat direct, Tell you what not to do and what to do I'm not gonna let people trample over me and do what they want because Thats disrespectful now im not gonna be a asshole to my surrounding members but I will be telling them what they should/shouldn't do I will organize everything have it laid out in a way that you can easily access everything, I will be a nice person but I will not let my peers treat my like garbage,

Thanks for reving my applications

Sincerely, DeadBolt
Denied. We actually have Trithian filling in for being the director. You're more than welcome to apply as one of the medical staff if you so desire though.