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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Jackson campbell/oh


Character Name (Clear Cove)
Jackson campbell
Phone Number (Clear Cove)
Jackson was born in winter haven Florida his mom Jessica Campbell was a drug addict, Jackson’s dad was born in Tennessee and had him as a teenager with a Jessica when she was on a trip to Tennessee (he doesn’t know his dad) All he knows is he went to Kentucky according to his mom. When Jackson was 5 when Jessica was able to move out they moved into a apartment and most of his moms paycheck went to her drug addiction his mom would often yell at him for the small things throughout his childhood when Jackson was 15 his mom lost his job and Jackson stepped up and started working at a local joint that wasn’t enough so he turned to crime peddling drugs for a local gang he started off with drops but gained respect and started doing actual deals one day a drug deal went wrong and a man lunged at Jackson with a knife and he fell on his back the man got atop of him driving the knife down twords his heart Jackson grabbed the man’s hand pushing it back and he kicked the man causing him to fall off Jackson shoved the man to the ground stomping his leg breaking it and Jackson grabbed the crack running off He got away Any time his mom asked for money he’d give her what he could the drug deals made him money but it was never enough he was tired of his town but he didn’t
have enough money to leave he drove a 1976 Oldsmobile Delta 88 That he got when he turned 16 at this point money was really tight he was living off of canned tuna (it was the cheapest food at the time) Around this time Jackson got a girlfriend they dated for about 3 months till one day he went over and she was bruised Jackson walked into the living room where her dad was and kicked his ass nearly killing him he served a year for that his gf broke up with him while he was in jail he turned 17 when he got out he walked into his moms apt and she was laying there foaming at the mouth he just stood there and watched not knowing what to do he packed. Up what he had into his car and drove to her dealers house taking out his smith and Wesson 586 and knocked on the door with no response he kicked it down and the dealer reached for that 12 and Jackson he let the hammer drop and he grabbed his pack of cigs and smoked them and walked to his car driving south to Kentucky staying in Springfield then moved to Knox county in search of his dad he ended up finding a woman with his time in Springfield till one day he comes home to Sofia dead on the floor and a man standing over her he chased him for 3 miles the one person in his life that he loved was gone he had to get out of that town so he then moved to Knox county...