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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Jack Wildrow


Hey Im jack Im a doctor living in westpoint! Now Its simple I will do all good, Im not trying to take the money YOU earned *cough cough* James James *cough Cough* I belive what your money is yours now let me list what im actually gonna do for this city:

Increased pay for all goverment workers: This means more workers will join the goverment workforce so we will have more doctors, EMS, Police officers The pay in particulat will be 30 percent higher, Amazing amounts!

Decreased Rent Prices: We know how much it is heck I even own a store myself so Id like to decrease rent by 30 percent.

Finding the cultists: theve been terrorisng this city and I will get enough people and guns to take down this said group whos been injuring and robbing people.

Mining and Logging areas: If you own a building that comes with land you can use said land for mining or logging simple as is or you can buy a area dedicated for mining and logging!

Id Like to hire people to clean up blood and trash off the city, This leaves jobs and money available for those in need,

Increased logging and mining rewards: Id give 25 percent more money for jewels and wood.

Lastly Id like to help those in need wether its those being hunted or those having finacial issues I belive that I can help them if need be.

Yours Truly, Jack Wildrow
*cough cough* James James *cough Cough*
How will you get all this money you promise to hand out like it's forging twigs? I ask myself where the money comes from and what promises you make to those who give it to you.
Nothing is free.
I smell TAXES when you talk. I tell you what. I will only expect people to pay off profits, not everyday life. I will help everyone I can make profits. When you are making money paying some to keep making more is not even close to as bad as TAXES....
Vote Jack for city debt and taxes I say...
Where is the money coming from JACK? Making the lumber mill pay more will only bankrupt the lumber mill.... Then we are all out of work.
hmmmpfff Jack loves taxes...
While I agree with you in that Jack's policies seem very shortsighted, James, I'd like to remind you that one of your biggest things is pushing for every citizen to give back to the city. Sounds like taxes to me. You're the favorable candidate, but it's hard to trust a hypocrite.
While I agree with you in that Jack's policies seem very shortsighted, James, I'd like to remind you that one of your biggest things is pushing for every citizen to give back to the city. Sounds like taxes to me. You're the favorable candidate, but it's hard to trust a hypocrite.
Ill clarify. If you are making profits you should give back when asking for other things to make more profits. Every day hard-working people earning a paycheck logging are making a living not profits. The owners of the logging company are. They need a new parking lot or road signs? I think they should be helping the workers in the future profits from these items. You want that road then you must pay for it and on top of that a small part of your profits should go to the citizens who "aloud" you to build this road in their town. Ill never be after the regular town folks for money. Just big business making money in your town. Hope I said this more understandably this time and sorry I had to say it again. Ill be sure to explain my point clearly next time.
I disagree with you that loggers are making a living rather than profits. Entire forests are being chopped and loggers are making a killing, and it's bringing down the economy as people would rather go log for a few hours than work at their actual jobs. I wish there were a more moderate mayor who wouldn't impose more taxes. My profit margins are already slim as it is.
I disagree with you that loggers are making a living rather than profits. Entire forests are being chopped and loggers are making a killing, and it's bringing down the economy as people would rather go log for a few hours than work at their actual jobs. I wish there were a more moderate mayor who wouldn't impose more taxes. My profit margins are already slim as it is.
The miners and a few shopkeepers have reached out. Also if you want to sell something the government is selling I'll be sure to talk a wholesale price for you. Big logging is an issue as you pointed out. We can't blame the people looking to make as much money as they can. If I become mayor my door is open to talk solutions you may have thought of. I have few ideas but if I say them now it becomes a promise I may not want to keep without the people affected adding their ideas to mine. I will hold an open board meeting to talk about how we can get people back to 9 -5s. We will solve your problems together.
This candidate has withdrawn from the running.