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Hospital Staff - ER Doctor Application (Open)


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The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital ER Doctor position. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

A Hospital ER Doctor is responsible for overseeing Emergency Medical Services through the Hospital ER and treating ER patients. This includes training Nurses, Paramedics, and other First Responders that want to be cross trained. This may include training Residents and Interns enrolled in a Graduate Medical Education (GME) program depending on your specialty and current students. The ER Doctor is responsible for treating ER patients, and overseeing treatment provided by Nurses, Residents, and Interns. This includes filing incident reports using the provided report documents or overseeing ER Staff filing reports, tracking inventory management and requesting supplies, plus overseeing and maintaining high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. If chosen as an ER Doctor, you will help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Training Nurses, Paramedics, and Fire Department
    • Train all level of nurses and aides for their duties in the Hospital ER.
    • Train Paramedic for off site treatment, protocols, and hospital procedures for inbound ambulance patients.
      • This will include training on complete and detailed incident reports.
  • Training Residents, and Interns
    • Depending on current Residents and Interns you may be tasked to educate and train someone enrolled in a GME program.
    • Depending on your specialty, you may be asked to mentor a student in your specialty.
  • Treatment of Patients
    • As an ER Doctor you will be responsible for treating patients.
    • This may include overseeing Nurses, Residents, Interns, or EMS providing treatment under your supervision.
    • You will be responsible for making sure incident reports are detailed and completed for each patient you treat or oversee either by you or hospital staff.
    • Review and finalize any incident reports processed by hospital staff that you treated or oversaw.
  • Tracking Work Schedules
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
    • Reviewing and confirming hospital staff hours and incidents for payroll or incentives/bonuses.
    • Recommend hospital staff for bonuses for exceptional work.
  • Manage Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained by yourself and hospital staff.
    • Review or oversee the review of supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal..
  • ER Doctor Track 1: Start game as a Doctor
    • Character creation profession Doctor
    • First Aid skill of 8+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • and two of three +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • ER Doctor Track 2: Start game as a Resident, or Intern. Then train into Doctor
    • One of three character creation options
      • +3 Profession: Doctor
        • Be hired as a Resident in a GME program
      • +2 Profession: Nurse
      • +3 Student: First Aid (does not count toward in-game mechanic for learning bonus)
        • Nurse or First Aid would be hired as an Intern in a GME program
        • Nurse and First Aid would be hired as a Resident in a GME program
    • First Aid of 5+ after Character Creation using available Profession/Trait options

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (++)
  • Team Player (++++)
  • Good Communicator (++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (++++)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 5 to 8 quickly. It may be that you are already near the end of your residency.

Application Format

Discord Username (if applicable): [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Username: [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Character Name: [ANSWER HERE]
Real Life Age: [ANSWER HERE]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Last edited:
Discord Username (if applicable): yoboyfefe
In-Game Username: Fefe
In-Game Character Name: Xavier Medellín-Ponce
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being a part of a Medical Department or in running a department?
In real life, I'm currently a lifeguard and I do have plans to further my education in the medical field. In video games, I've participated in a couple of different medical services or programs in games like FiveM.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Personally, I just want to be able to RP out a dream profession of mine and create unique RP experiences while doing so. I feel like I could be a good fit for this role because I do have an invested interest in a role like this and I wish to display an accurate representation of this role.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
I would develop a streamlined training plan to ensure all medical staff members are knowledgeable on general first aid measures and how to perform care safely. Additionally, a list of standard operating procedures and job duties will be created to outline responsibilities, ensure safe and appropriate care is provided, and protect the well-being of the patients and staff.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
I'm willing to act as a temporary EMT if no emergency medical personnel are present. I believe my skills are adequate.
Thank you for your application. If you will be online tomorrow between 12-4 EST we could meet up in game so I can show you around the hospital, explain some things, and some ideas I have for medical RP. I think you would be a good fit. If we still both agree after the talk and tour I will get you set up on the private areas and get you a set of keys
I have had a crazy busy weekend. Sorry I have not been able to connect. I will be on some today if you are around. Look for me on Discord on Trithian.
Application received on Discord.

Discord Username (if applicable): Anything095#2023
In-Game Username: Conner yourbinstine
In-Game Character Name: conner yourbinsitine
Real Life Age: 17
Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I helped a doctor with a person and then another really enjoyed it and did a good job. From then just wanted to.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
I would train and manage them to what ever suits the situation. It all depends

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
Yes if I can help someone I would

Approved and welcome.
Discord Username (if applicable): Dead.Bolt
In-Game Username: DeadBolt
In-Game Character Name: Jack Wildrow
Real Life Age: 15=6

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being a part of a Medical Department or in running a department?
I know first aid (irl) Ive been a paramedic on a previous iteration. In terms of running a department no.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Id always wanted to be a doctor even growing up but I was never the smartest kid in the books so I wasn't actually ever got the chance although IC and OOC id love to be a doctor

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
To make sure all medical staff members are educated on basic first aid procedures and safe care delivery, I would create a condensed training program. To further guarantee that safe and adequate treatment is given, safeguard the wellbeing of the patients and staff, a list of standard operating procedures and job obligations will be prepared.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
Yes I can drive a car and think/act fast
Approved as long as your character has decent first aid skill to align with being a doctor. It should be at least a 6 or 7. My Doctor character has a 9 to start.
The Kingsmouth Medical Department is hiring for various positions. Welcome to the application thread for a Hospital ER Doctor position. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

A Hospital ER Doctor is responsible for overseeing Emergency Medical Services through the Hospital ER and treating ER patients. This includes training Nurses, Paramedics, and other First Responders that want to be cross trained. This may include training Residents and Interns enrolled in a Graduate Medical Education (GME) program depending on your specialty and current students. The ER Doctor is responsible for treating ER patients, and overseeing treatment provided by Nurses, Residents, and Interns. This includes filing incident reports using the provided report documents or overseeing ER Staff filing reports, tracking inventory management and requesting supplies, plus overseeing and maintaining high cleanliness and maintenance standards within the Hospital. If chosen as an ER Doctor, you will help keep our citizens healthy and alive.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Training Nurses, Paramedics, and Fire Department
    • Train all level of nurses and aides for their duties in the Hospital ER.
    • Train Paramedic for off site treatment, protocols, and hospital procedures for inbound ambulance patients.
      • This will include training on complete and detailed incident reports.
  • Training Residents, and Interns
    • Depending on current Residents and Interns you may be tasked to educate and train someone enrolled in a GME program.
    • Depending on your specialty, you may be asked to mentor a student in your specialty.
  • Treatment of Patients
    • As an ER Doctor you will be responsible for treating patients.
    • This may include overseeing Nurses, Residents, Interns, or EMS providing treatment under your supervision.
    • You will be responsible for making sure incident reports are detailed and completed for each patient you treat or oversee either by you or hospital staff.
    • Review and finalize any incident reports processed by hospital staff that you treated or oversaw.
  • Tracking Work Schedules
    • Track the hours and incidents for your shift at the Hospital ER, or while out acting as EMS.
    • Reviewing and confirming hospital staff hours and incidents for payroll or incentives/bonuses.
    • Recommend hospital staff for bonuses for exceptional work.
  • Manage Hospital Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the Hospital's high cleanliness standards are maintained by yourself and hospital staff.
    • Review or oversee the review of supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the Ambulances are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the hospital contracts with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
In-game skills and Backstory
Be sure to have included appropriate medical training and experience in your character biography/journal..
  • ER Doctor Track 1: Start game as a Doctor
    • Character creation profession Doctor
    • First Aid skill of 8+ after character creation
      • +3 profession Doctor
      • +3 trait Student: First Aid
      • and two of three +1 traits: First Aider, Pharmacist, and Former Scout
  • ER Doctor Track 2: Start game as a Resident, or Intern. Then train into Doctor
    • One of three character creation options
      • +3 Profession: Doctor
        • Be hired as a Resident in a GME program
      • +2 Profession: Nurse
      • +3 Student: First Aid (does not count toward in-game mechanic for learning bonus)
        • Nurse or First Aid would be hired as an Intern in a GME program
        • Nurse and First Aid would be hired as a Resident in a GME program
    • First Aid of 5+ after Character Creation using available Profession/Trait options

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (++)
  • Team Player (++++)
  • Good Communicator (++)
  • Character Role Play (++)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (++++)
Depending on how many players start with the Burn Ward Victim trait, the hospital may be so busy at launch that you could level first aid from 5 to 8 quickly. It may be that you are already near the end of your residency.

Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): AliyahTheShortestIdiot
In-Game Username: Captain Knott
In-Game Character Name: Captain
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?
No, but I have experience tending to my own wounds, and how to apply them, like how to properly wrap a bandaid around your finger.
Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I know to fix people, like I broke my foot and I crafted a splint, I have extensive medical knowledge.
I am on the server often and I never see a doctor, and people dying with no help is fairly annoying.
How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
I would teach them how to stitch, supplies they would need, and what is most important to stabilize first.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
[ANSWER HERE] I know how to drive, and yeah I would drive to the person in need.
approved to start as EMS until First Aid is leveled to match a doctor level
Discord Username: cetramaze
In-Game Username: Isaac Turner
In-Game Character Name: Isaac
Real Life Age: 28

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?
In-game: I usually play a supporting role where I heal team mates, which I also adapted in Project Zomboid where I always volunteer to patch up injured community members whenever EMSs are not around or during an emergency as a concerned citizen.
In real life: I have experience in handling departments in most of my jobs, handing customers, employees, team mates. Making sure everyone is hitting their deadline, also making sure that customers/clients are satisfied. I have an excellent customer communication skills which can be applied into Kentucky role play to ensure that patients are not just patched up but also taken care of in the most satisfying way possible.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I've always wanted to become a doctor when I was a kid, it was my dream that never happened since life happened and we have to be wise and adapt sometimes in our current situation, especially economically and financially speaking. It would be a good fit for me since I am dedicated to the role and in a way, I can finally fulfill my dream as a doctor.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
First, when I get onboard, I will learn the ropes in the everyday operations of the hospital. Secondly, I will make a list of the problems and blockers that are preventing us doing a good job. After that, will discuss with the staff a solution to solve every problem and blockers to ensure that our operation are running 100%

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
Yes, I am fully equipped to be the First Responder if ever there is no EMS available. My skills are adequate to drive an ambulance.
Discord Username (if applicable): @lime_green_ (zach - Kat Landry/Eri Naokawa)
In-Game Username: Eri Naokawa
In-Game Character Name: Eri Naokawa
Real Life Age: 22

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?:
I am currently a staff member, does that count? Lol
But I do have a little bit of real-life medical knowledge and experience, yes. I also often play medic/support roles in most games because I'm much better at that than combat.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Eri has Lvl 7 First Aid skill right off the bat, and has been studying her whole life to become a doctor and open her own medical practice. She has a doctorate degree in medicine. Being an ER Doctor is just another step to achieving her dreams. Eri is calm and collected under pressure and skilled with trauma treatment on the fly, always carrying medical supplies on hand whether on the job or not.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?:
I would make sure to bring as many trainees with me on-call to different scenarios to teach them hands-on first aid experience, and share with them any learned knowledge I may be able to offer as well. I would also encourage them to come to me or another Doctor to ask any questions or discuss any medical-department-centric issues they may have.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement):
Yes, being a first responder to help the community is my goal. And I would be more than able and willing to drive the ambulance if nobody else is available.
Discord Username: cetramaze
In-Game Username: Isaac Turner
In-Game Character Name: Isaac
Real Life Age: 28

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?
In-game: I usually play a supporting role where I heal team mates, which I also adapted in Project Zomboid where I always volunteer to patch up injured community members whenever EMSs are not around or during an emergency as a concerned citizen.
In real life: I have experience in handling departments in most of my jobs, handing customers, employees, team mates. Making sure everyone is hitting their deadline, also making sure that customers/clients are satisfied. I have an excellent customer communication skills which can be applied into Kentucky role play to ensure that patients are not just patched up but also taken care of in the most satisfying way possible.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I've always wanted to become a doctor when I was a kid, it was my dream that never happened since life happened and we have to be wise and adapt sometimes in our current situation, especially economically and financially speaking. It would be a good fit for me since I am dedicated to the role and in a way, I can finally fulfill my dream as a doctor.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
First, when I get onboard, I will learn the ropes in the everyday operations of the hospital. Secondly, I will make a list of the problems and blockers that are preventing us doing a good job. After that, will discuss with the staff a solution to solve every problem and blockers to ensure that our operation are running 100%

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
Yes, I am fully equipped to be the First Responder if ever there is no EMS available. My skills are adequate to drive an ambulance.
Sorry for the delay. Would love to connect in game, find out your first aid level, any character background in medical education. We could get you started as EMS at least, if not an intern Doctor. Ping me on discord or in /all when you have a chance to connect.
Discord Username (if applicable): @lime_green_ (zach - Kat Landry/Eri Naokawa)
In-Game Username: Eri Naokawa
In-Game Character Name: Eri Naokawa
Real Life Age: 22

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?:
I am currently a staff member, does that count? Lol
But I do have a little bit of real-life medical knowledge and experience, yes. I also often play medic/support roles in most games because I'm much better at that than combat.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Eri has Lvl 7 First Aid skill right off the bat, and has been studying her whole life to become a doctor and open her own medical practice. She has a doctorate degree in medicine. Being an ER Doctor is just another step to achieving her dreams. Eri is calm and collected under pressure and skilled with trauma treatment on the fly, always carrying medical supplies on hand whether on the job or not.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?:
I would make sure to bring as many trainees with me on-call to different scenarios to teach them hands-on first aid experience, and share with them any learned knowledge I may be able to offer as well. I would also encourage them to come to me or another Doctor to ask any questions or discuss any medical-department-centric issues they may have.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement):
Yes, being a first responder to help the community is my goal. And I would be more than able and willing to drive the ambulance if nobody else is available.
Approved to start as a resident. let me know when we can connect in game and I can give you a quick tour and explanation for the hospital.
Discord Username (if applicable): @emeraldite.
In-Game Username: Edrian Remeraldite
In-Game Character Name: Edrian Remeraldite
Real Life Age: 20

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?

While I don't possess medical knowledge in an in-depth form, I do at least have a bit of familiarity with it given my dad is a veterinarian. I also do have some experience in terms of psychological care, which my application is pertaining to.

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

Overall, I feel that while it is not the position Edrian is going to be going for (which is being a psychiatrist/therapist), he is still knowledgeable in the general workings of the human body, and thus can aid when necessary in the ER if there are any staffing issues.

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?

In terms of training new hospital staff, Edrian is generally not someone who would like that responsibility to be given to him on the first pick, as he is more focused on the ailments of the human mind than the ailments of the body, however he can give a brief run-down of how things work, by telling the new hires where the necessary supplies are, asking them about hypothetical emergency scenarios to test their knowledge and giving some on-hands experience if applicable. Still, he would much rather keep to his patients and to be there in the mental health department.

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)

If there is no EMS currently available, I suppose I would be able to do so, provided I am on the clock at the time. However I do not believe I would be a good fit for the EMS-replacement role specifically, due to it not being both what I want, and neither what Edrian would want either.

Post Scriptum: While I know this may not be the most appropriate application form to use for this, there is no other one that fits the thing that I want to apply for most; that being a mental health professional, which I believe this town is very much needing overall. I do hope however that such a position, or a similar one will be available for me to use.
This is perfect. Approved to be Psychiatrist.

Sometimes you may deal with a patient that is selfharming. So you will need to be prepared to use some basic first aid. You are welcome to an office in the Hospital for treating patients who may be brought to the hospital. But you are also allowed to have a private practice office.
Discord Username (if applicable): [Macchia Sam]
In-Game Username: [Macchia Sam]
In-Game Character Name: [Macchia Sam]
Real Life Age: [24]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?
[no, but in the last server I helped manage the wrench wizard mechanic shop]

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I want to be an ER Doc 'cause it's super exciting and you help people, would like to try a new role.]

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
[If I managed hospital staff, I'd make sure everyone knows their roles clearly, train them with real-life scenarios, promote teamwork, support ongoing education, and regularly gather feedback to improve.]

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
[Yes, I'd be willing to act as a First Responder if no EMS are available. My skills are adequate to drive the ambulance, though it's not a requirement.]
Discord Username (if applicable): [Macchia Sam]
In-Game Username: [Macchia Sam]
In-Game Character Name: [Macchia Sam]
Real Life Age: [24]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of a Medical Department or in running a department?
[no, but in the last server I helped manage the wrench wizard mechanic shop]

Describe why you would like to be an ER Doctor and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I want to be an ER Doc 'cause it's super exciting and you help people, would like to try a new role.]

How would you manage and train Hospital staff if you were given this role?
[If I managed hospital staff, I'd make sure everyone knows their roles clearly, train them with real-life scenarios, promote teamwork, support ongoing education, and regularly gather feedback to improve.]

If there are no EMS currently available would you be willing to act as a First Responder? And are your skills adequate to drive the ambulance? (this is not a requirement)
[Yes, I'd be willing to act as a First Responder if no EMS are available. My skills are adequate to drive the ambulance, though it's not a requirement.]
Approved, Contact me or Bernadine once you're in game