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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Mandates Global Mandate

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Pixel Port aims to keep our communities and affiliates safe and sound. This mandate is a guideline of overarching motifs to maintain order and prosperity. Breaking any of these tenets may be grounds for dissociation.
  1. Be cool, be kind.
  2. No racism or racial slurs.
  3. No NSFW media.
  4. No advertising (unless approved by a Founder).
  5. No off-topic posts.
  6. No spamming.
  7. No scamming/phishing.
  8. No hacking/exploiting.
  9. No impersonating staff or other people.
  10. Be cool, be kind!
Staff are not restricted to handing out punishments on these rules alone.
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