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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Discord: Gamercodeleo1 Player Name: Andreas Coureli Reason: I want to help with upcoming changes and I think I can provide a valuable perspective.


Hi, I'm Gamercodeleo1, although I'm mostly know as Andreas. Before I tell you why you should consider me, I want to address the reasons you might consider not choosing me. The most obvious being my lack of experience on KRP, However, I see this as beneficial. I may lack in depth knowledge, but I offer a new perspective and a lack of "that's how we've always done it". I've also done my very best on this server, and believe that in my short time here I've made a positive impact, even if I might have bugged Grim a bit too much (Sorry Grim). Second, is that some have complained about younger people being staff or in positions of power, and while I see valid points on both sides, It isn't relevant for my application, as I am 18 anyways. Third and finally, I don't have much experience with PZ Administration. I've done similar things in lots of games, but I think I have a piece of experience that prove move valuable than all of those put together: I am a Shift Supervisor as my occupation. If someone is willing to pay me to do this type of work, why not get that for free? Now, onto the Why. I'm new, but I like the server. I've found it hard to get things explained without having to ask someone else in the discord, and whenever I need help in a ticket, it takes forever. I don't mind working on big projects, but as staff I'd like to focus on the smaller issues players have, tickets, events, and complaints. Then, use that knowledge of how people are doing things, to help support people like Arctica who are making the macro level changes. I hope you do consider me. - AC