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Journal Chief Freshies log book 10/2/93


Meade County Fire Department
Kingsmouth Fire Department
Woke up late today from the solo bender last night, my head is pounding. On the bright side the Fire Chief application I put in got approved, probably best to stop hardcore drinking. Sometime in the late afternoon (now Officer) Matt came to my door with some wounds, I stitched him up as best as possible and held him at the store until the person(s) who were chasing him were gone for sure. The Mason Clark trial got postponed (sadly), hope that maniac gets locked away for a good and long time. Spent the rest of my day moving vehicles and such back to Station 1 in preparation for the departments official opening. Here late in the evening I just got finished with all no, MOST of the Fire Chief paperwork, payroll charting and such. NOTE: Get a fucking watch AND borrow some journals from KMH.