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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

[Accepted] Bohuslav’s Staff Application


Server Staff
Staff member
Server Staff
Discord: AliyahTheShortestIdiot
Player name: Bohuslav Melnyk
Reason for wanting to join: alright Hold on why is this in bold? Anyways I have been a
admin in a server before and that was fun, I’d like to get into that again, I’m often available and would probably always have time to make tickets, even though I have a warning on this server from something I did awhile I ago I think I’m still pretty nice, anyways I’m pretty cool with people and I also really want to set up events, and more or less just get involved more with the server, try to get it more steam, make rp interesting, and yeah, let me know if I need to clarify anything and I don’t know why the text is bold and slanted.
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At this time we have added 3 new moderators. we will look at adding more in a month or so when we are in the next iteration. We will leave this open for review at that time.
Accepted for interview. Would you be available sometime today?