Upon first arrival on to Kingsmouth, you'll want to do a few things to get comfortable into your new life. Outlined below will be the first steps you should take, after which the virtual world is your oyster!
Making Money
For more info on how to make money, please view our guide on that subject here:
- Your first and probably most important step is acquiring identification.
- This comes in the form of either an ID Card or Driver's License.
- ID Cards are free, whereas a Driver's License costs $50. If you choose to get a Driver's License, it will most likely be a Class E.
- Identification can be acquired at the Government Administration Building (aka the Arrivals Building).
- For Kingsmouth, this building is located right next to where you initially spawn and is the building you must first pass through.
- As the server runs in real time, your need for food and water is very much reduced however it is still necessary.
- Food and water can be acquired at the Arrivals Building from a vending machine at an increased cost.
- Additional food and water can be acquired from player ran stores.
- If you want to get around Kingsmouth in any sort of a timely manner, a set of wheels will come in handy.
- All vehicle purchases will take place through the Points Shop.
- To access the Points Shop, press the escape key and push the button found at the bottom of the list titled "Points Shop" or similar.
- Make sure you have plenty of space around you before buying a vehicle.
- Points are scaled with in-game currency. You can either buy in-game currency with points, or exchange currency for more points at the Arrivals Building.
- Your initial cash that you spawn with will be enough to buy additional server points to get yourself a starter vehicle.
- Kingsmouth offers a wide variety of residences.
- Any building can be purchased if you have enough cash.
- Renting part of a building or leased house may be more economical in the short term.
- Currently Kingsmouth has low income row housing available for rent (see below for the location on that).
- The first available row houses will start very cheap, and as more are opened for rent; the price will go up.

Making Money
For more info on how to make money, please view our guide on that subject here:
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