The mod has updated 2, if not several times since RJ last checked the mod and it is fully usable for a decent amount of items to help facilitate a player-run economy.
Business Name: Devil Dogs Armory
Business Types: Military Surplus
Business Address: F-9 106 Low Avenue
Business Location:
List Of Goods Sold/Services Provided:
- Ammo
- Vehicle Parts
- Tactical Clothing
Name: [Pending]
Store Type: Convenience Store (Mostly alcohol and convenience items)
Address: I really don't know (Trithian said the pic should be enough for now)
1. convenience items (E.G. Alcohol, chips, magazines, ect)...
Discord: Shark = Old name: xidemonslayerxi
Player Name: Shark Bearington
Reason: I would like to furnish buildings as well as help...
I have permission from Hosea to have full ownership transferred to me.
Original Text...
Name: "Casual Spooksters"
Type: Clothing Store
Address: 3601 Salt River BLVD
I will sell:
Clothing of non-standard nature(like stuff you may not wear everyday)
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