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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

State Park Rangers Applications (Open)

The Kentucky State Park Rangers is hiring. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Kentucky State Park Rangers are responsible for protecting our forests, parks, rivers, and lakes. They will patrol along our waterways and in our parks and the state and national forests that are within Kentucky. You will be trained on and provided Police Reports and Medical Records required to file an incident report for each incident using the provided report documents. You may need to provide emergency medical services if you find an injured person while on patrol. It will be your responsibility to track your ranger supplies/equipment and requesting restock or replacement from the department before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed as a Park Ranger is expected to maintain the high level of professionalism standards associated with being a State employee. Join our team and help keep our Kentucky parks and wildlife safe.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of individuals injured or negatively effected by weather conditions
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls that are on State Parks or National Forests and along our waterways.
    • Treat patients who need immediate attention following protocols.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
  • Park Ranger Truck Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the departments high cleanliness standards are maintained for your uniform, truck, and office space.
    • Review trucks and station supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the trucks are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the a contract with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
  • Issue Hunting and Fishing licenses to Kentucky residents at the station or either city or state clerk offices.
    • Enter correct information for the individual in the computer when issuing the license and verify they are at least 18 years old for a hunting license.
    • Deliver a copy of the license to the station or the city or state clerk office.
    • Ensure the individual getting a license understand the limits for fish and game.
    • Educate, if needed, the proper use of fishing equipment, traps, and hunting rifles.
  • Patrolling State and National Parks and along Kentucky Waterways.
    • Ensure anyone hunting or fishing has the proper license and gear.
    • Issue tickets for illegal hunting or fishing.
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each incident.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your time on duty.
In-game skills and Backstory
No specific information is required in your character biography/journal.
  • First Aid Skill
    • Helps to treat individuals requiring immediate medical attention found while patrolling.
  • Driving
    • Adequate driving skill in-game is required to patrol some of the forests and waterways where it might be dense vegetation to maneuver around.
  • Fishing, Foraging (hunting), and Trapping skills
    • Decent skill (level 3) to teach beginner level classes if needed.

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (++)
  • Team Player (+)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
  • In-game Fishing/Forage/Trapping Skill (+)

Application Format

Discord Username (if applicable): [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Username: [ANSWER HERE]
In-Game Character Name: [ANSWER HERE]
Real Life Age: [ANSWER HERE]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): bribrooo
In-Game Username: BriBrooo
In-Game Character Name: David Jacquet
Real Life Age: 18

Whether in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience as a part of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I've been MP (military police) + Combat Life Server in an ARMA3 unit for a year before it disbanded.
First Aid Certification to my name IRL

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I'd like to be a Park Ranger because I truly believe it fits my playstyle of both PZ and RP. I live in the countryside IRL and don't like spending too much time in the same place.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
First would be to check their vitals, if the heart's beating, and if they breathe. Then, assuming they're okay, clear debris around the wounds and sanitize the wounds again.
Then here either the glass shard(s) is in the skin and not bleeding too much and I can take it out safely without damaging it more than before,
or if I can't, just apply a dry gauze pad on the wound(s), give him a stick to bite on for the ride or painkillers or some ice, and rush for the E.R.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
My character has not stepped foot in the city yet, so it's very customizable. I'd like the Park Ranger job for him to be introduced to the server.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
I'd come peacefully near the person, tell them they can not do their activity in this area, if they repeat the offense, I will state what infraction they've committed, declare that I did warn them last time and fine them accordingly, and removed their license/permit if the infraction's penalty states it.
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Discord Username (if applicable): [Birtie! {Jacob Woodly}]
In-Game Username: [Jacob Woodly]
In-Game Character Name: [Jacob Woodly]
Real Life Age: [19]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
[Yes, I was previously a CPL in the last iteration of KRP]

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I have previous experience in the PD but I did not like the more aggressive nature of the PD, I want to have a more laid back experience that isn't 24/7 guns blazing and life threatening]

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
[Depending on condition (hp) I will either remove the glass/bullet, sanitize and stitch or patch it up enough to slow the bleeding to get them to the hospital where there are medical professionals with better equipment. removing bullets/glass can be more threatening than leaving in and bandaging it due to rapid blood loss.]

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
[Yes, I drive well and know how to do so at high speeds if necessary. I also have level 6 mechanic skill and use the mechanic career.]

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
[Get them to stop without approaching in a way that may provoke violence, let them know what they did wrong, what did they violate and give them a ticket. If necessary they might need proper training. If necessary license/permits may be removed.]
Discord Username (if applicable): [Birtie! {Jacob Woodly}]
In-Game Username: [Jacob Woodly]
In-Game Character Name: [Jacob Woodly]
Real Life Age: [19]

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
[Yes, I was previously a CPL in the last iteration of KRP]

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
[I have previous experience in the PD but I did not like the more aggressive nature of the PD, I want to have a more laid back experience that isn't 24/7 guns blazing and life threatening]

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
[Depending on condition (hp) I will either remove the glass/bullet, sanitize and stitch or patch it up enough to slow the bleeding to get them to the hospital where there are medical professionals with better equipment. removing bullets/glass can be more threatening than leaving in and bandaging it due to rapid blood loss.]

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
[Yes, I drive well and know how to do so at high speeds if necessary. I also have level 6 mechanic skill and use the mechanic career.]

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
[Get them to stop without approaching in a way that may provoke violence, let them know what they did wrong, what did they violate and give them a ticket. If necessary they might need proper training. If necessary license/permits may be removed.]
Discord Username (if applicable): Rafael Santos
In-Game Username: Rafael Santos
In-Game Character Name: Rafael Santos
Real Life Age: 30

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
Some video game experience, but this would be a first for me.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
Most of my time is spent out of the city whether fishing or foraging, I'm also active and organized. With 2K hours in PZ I believe I would be able to fulfill the requirements of this position and that it'd be a fun experience to do so.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would stop the bleeding with a tourniquet if possible and remove the foreign body from the patient with tweezers. Then I'd stitch the wound with a suture needle and bandage it. Taking the patient to the hospital immediately afterward.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I am a competent driver, but I haven't gotten around to lvling mechanics.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?

Make sure to have my equipment ready, lock my car. Alert dispatch that I will be approaching someone in this area. I'd approach cautiously aware of my surroundings, announce myself as a park ranger while being friendly in demeanor. While gauging their response I would request their license or permit and verify that they are committing a crime. If so, I would issue them a citation and request they cease all illegal activity.
Discord Username (if applicable): Rafael Santos
In-Game Username: Rafael Santos
In-Game Character Name: Rafael Santos
Real Life Age: 30

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
Discord Username (if applicable): Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
In-Game Username: Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
In-Game Character Name: Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
Real Life Age: 27

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I have experience in a hospital setting irl.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I am a woodsman myself. I have lived in the forest for a long time. Fishing, hunting, trapping and foraging are my passion. I want to do whatever it takes to protect mother nature.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would take care of the critical bleeding first by first putting on a tourniquet to slow the bleeding, then I would remove whatever foreign objects that are in the patient. After I would sterilize the wound and bandage the limbs. Afterwards I would take them directly to the hospital for a doctor or nurse to take care of the patient while I investigate the current event or resume my duties.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I drive well enough off-road in the woods. I know how to change a tire or fix the exterior of any vehicle.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
I would confirm with said party if they have the correct permits to do said activities. If they have the incorrect permits, I would issue them a ticket, then I direct them how to obtain the proper permits. If necessary, I would then teach them the proper laws of activity.

*Please dm me in discord for extra information as it's possibly important.
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Discord Username (if applicable): Gamercodeleo1
In-Game Username: James_Lucky
In-Game Character Name: James Lucky
Real Life Age: 18

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
My old character was EMS and ran the BMC. I have other experience in other games, but that one is the most relevant.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I like forests we have in CC, and I think I could offer my time and skills to help out. I don't have a ton to do in game now, so this would be an excellent use of my time.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Treat head and neck wounds, then deep wounds, then minor cuts, then fractures, then disinfect and bandage stiches.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I can drive, but I currently have no mechanics skill.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
First I need to be sure, so I check their permits, and then make sure they are within the quotas permitted. I would arrest and fine them. Confiscating over quota or illegal items.
Discord Username (if applicable): Skittlestuff
In-Game Username: Liam_Lucky
In-Game Character Name: Liam Lucky
Real Life Age: 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
During the last iteration of KRP, I played as 2 characters who were in the police force for multiple weeks if not months each. I earned a high rank on both characters throughout my time as an officer through my hard work during events such as terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and assassination of elected candidates among other incidents.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I strive to become a park ranger because I have a desire to protect my community and the earth around it. I think I would be a good fit for the role because I have good problem solving skills for when tracking down evidence in forests, I am a master at foraging which is a great skill to have when searching for clues, and I have worked in many other police roles along side the rangers before.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?

Depending on the severity of the wound or wounds on the person I would first work on the deep wounds or lacerations on the vital parts of their body, stopping the bleeding and removing the foreign objects on places like their neck or head, then move down the body still working on the severe injuries as those bleed the most. I would then start to work on small wounds like scratches and cuts to disinfect and bandage so they injured person loses minimal blood and doesn't get infected.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I believe my driving skills are more than adequate to drive the ranger trucks on roads, through fields, or forests. I currently have one level in mechanics but have been working to raise the skill level.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
If I found someone doing an illegal activity regarding my duties I would first make sure my body camera was on to capture the situation for evidence and to protect both parties. I would then walk up to them in a calm manner and ask what they were doing to gather more evidence, asking for things like their licenses to be doing said act. After talking to them, if I had enough evidence, I would then write them a ticket or arrest them depending on the severity of the crime committed.
The Kentucky State Park Rangers is hiring. Please see above as to whether or not we are currently accepting new applications for this position. If the application status is open and you would like to apply right away, then skip to the bottom of this post. If you would like to know more about the position and what it entails, then continue reading.

The Kentucky State Park Rangers are responsible for protecting our forests, parks, rivers, and lakes. They will patrol along our waterways and in our parks and the state and national forests that are within Kentucky. You will be trained on and provided Police Reports and Medical Records required to file an incident report for each incident using the provided report documents. You may need to provide emergency medical services if you find an injured person while on patrol. It will be your responsibility to track your ranger supplies/equipment and requesting restock or replacement from the department before you run out of necessary supplies. Everyone employed as a Park Ranger is expected to maintain the high level of professionalism standards associated with being a State employee. Join our team and help keep our Kentucky parks and wildlife safe.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Treatment of individuals injured or negatively effected by weather conditions
    • Respond to 911 and emergency calls that are on State Parks or National Forests and along our waterways.
    • Treat patients who need immediate attention following protocols.
    • Transport or coordinate transport for patients from the site of the incident to the hospital.
      • Or provide a release form as well as a incident report for patients that are not brought in to the hospital.
  • Park Ranger Truck Maintenance and Inventory
    • Ensure the departments high cleanliness standards are maintained for your uniform, truck, and office space.
    • Review trucks and station supply inventory and requisition additional supplies.
    • Ensure the trucks are maintained by the appropriate mechanic either in-house or through the a contract with local mechanics.
    • Make sure all equipment is not in need of repair or request repairs or replacements if needed.
  • Issue Hunting and Fishing licenses to Kentucky residents at the station or either city or state clerk offices.
    • Enter correct information for the individual in the computer when issuing the license and verify they are at least 18 years old for a hunting license.
    • Deliver a copy of the license to the station or the city or state clerk office.
    • Ensure the individual getting a license understand the limits for fish and game.
    • Educate, if needed, the proper use of fishing equipment, traps, and hunting rifles.
  • Patrolling State and National Parks and along Kentucky Waterways.
    • Ensure anyone hunting or fishing has the proper license and gear.
    • Issue tickets for illegal hunting or fishing.
    • Complete detailed incident reports for each incident.
    • Track the hours and incidents for your time on duty.
In-game skills and Backstory
No specific information is required in your character biography/journal.
  • First Aid Skill
    • Helps to treat individuals requiring immediate medical attention found while patrolling.
  • Driving
    • Adequate driving skill in-game is required to patrol some of the forests and waterways where it might be dense vegetation to maneuver around.
  • Fishing, Foraging (hunting), and Trapping skills
    • Decent skill (level 3) to teach beginner level classes if needed.

Good To Have Skills/Traits (more pluses means more important, out of a max of 5)
  • Active Community Member (+++)
  • Organized (++)
  • Team Player (+)
  • Good Communicator (+++)
  • Character Role Play (++++)
  • Driving Capabilities (+++)
  • In-game First Aid Skill (+)
  • In-game Fishing/Forage/Trapping Skill (+)

Application Format

If you think you would be a good fit for this role and are interested in it, please copy/paste the application format in the reply box for this thread then fill it out and post your message.
Discord Username (if applicable): AliyahTheShortestIdiot
In-Game Username: Bohuslav Melnyk
In-Game Character Name: Bohuslav Melnyk
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I have been law enforcement since the start of the iteration, a Captain.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I don’t want to be pd anymore and I think being in nature will be cool

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
stitch the wounds on the torso, neck and head first then handle the rest.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I have no mechanic skills

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
Tell them they can’t do that and either fine or make them leave
Discord Username (if applicable): Mac-Dady-bryce/Tom Sevyn
In-Game Username: Tom Sevyn
In-Game Character Name: Tom Sevyn
Real Life Age: 15

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
Yes, both Irl and in game I was Ems on a GTA RP server, and I have taken small medical assistant classes Irl

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
My character is a hunter and fisher man and want everyone to have fun and be safe

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would get tweezers to pull out the bullet and/or glass disinfect it and apply a sterilizes bandage and then ask them what happened

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
yes, I have 10 levels in mechanics, and I work for a trucking company

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
If they are a 1rst time offender I would ask them to leave and fine them
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Discord Username (if applicable): Puffy/puffyfuck
In-Game Username: Levi_Lucky
In-Game Character Name: Levi Lucky
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I have plenty of experience when in comes to Video Game LEO. A list of some would be I've Co-Ran A Sheriffs Office on FiveM around 5 times now all with different Heads, and I ran the Meade County Sheriff's Office last iteration as Josiah Washington at the rank of Lieutenant/Master Sergeant.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I wish to be a part of the Park Rangers due to the fact I want to be of more use to the community and the environment surrounding me helping better it for the good instead of doing nothing to help it grow and flourish, I would be a good fit for the Park Rangers because I strive to good and I dedicate myself to the betterment of others and the area not only myself but others live and thrive on.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would first wrap all of the wounds with Bandages to slow the bleeding afterwards I would go one by one with tweezers pulling the bullet out, once one of them is done I would stitch the wound, I would then put disinfectant on the area, after everything is done I would rewrap the wound and repeat the process for the rest of wounds, once the wounded is able to speak I would ask them what happened and write it down on a piece of paper.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I have the skills to drive the ranger truck properly, but I don't have any skills in mechanics if needed I would be willing to learn.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
If I found some committing a illegal action I would first ask them for a form of identification, once done I would check to see if this is a first or repeated offense, if it is a first offense I would give them back their ID warning them that what they are doing is illegal and they shouldn't repeat or continue it, once I finish warning them I would let them go logging the warning, if it is a repeated offense I would Confiscate the tools they are using and write them a fine making them pay for any of the damage or illegal actions done, once done I would hand back their ID with a copy of the fine proceeding to log it in whatever system is being used.
Discord Username (if applicable): MayDay42
In-Game Username: Melissa Callahan
In-Game Character Name: Melissa Callahan
Real Life Age: 20

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
Irl, I work in law enforcement and have a degree in criminal justice. I've also played multiple games as LEO and Medical Personnel.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I enjoy being outdoors and interacting with individuals while out an about. I also enjoy being able to protect the wildlife and everything within it. I spent a lot of time out in the woods still spend a lot of time outdoors. I strive to make sure the environment is cared for and no one is damaging it. I am also fairly active on the server and have a lot of free time.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would want to slow the bleeding as soon as possible. I'd use tweezers to pull out any fragments or shards of glass I can. Then sterilize that area and disinfect. Then I would want to stitch the wound and wrap with a bandage. This process would be repeated until all wounds are cared for.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I can drive pretty much any vehicle pretty decently. I don't have much of a mechanics skill, but I am working on changing that and leveling it up further.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
If I were to come across this, first I would talk to the individual and figure out how they got to what they were doing. Depending on the circumstances, first time would most likely result in a verbal warning and be documented. If this behavior were to be continued and caught again, they would be fined and asked to leave, with the possibility of tools being confiscated as well. If this does not fix the issue, then this would result in further actions being taken such as another fine or possibly jail depending on the severity.
Discord Username (if applicable): Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
In-Game Username: Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
In-Game Character Name: Hershel "Willy" Sullivan
Real Life Age: 27

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I have experience in a hospital setting irl.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I am a woodsman myself. I have lived in the forest for a long time. Fishing, hunting, trapping and foraging are my passion. I want to do whatever it takes to protect mother nature.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
I would take care of the critical bleeding first by first putting on a tourniquet to slow the bleeding, then I would remove whatever foreign objects that are in the patient. After I would sterilize the wound and bandage the limbs. Afterwards I would take them directly to the hospital for a doctor or nurse to take care of the patient while I investigate the current event or resume my duties.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I drive well enough off-road in the woods. I know how to change a tire or fix the exterior of any vehicle.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
I would confirm with said party if they have the correct permits to do said activities. If they have the incorrect permits, I would issue them a ticket, then I direct them how to obtain the proper permits. If necessary, I would then teach them the proper laws of activity.

*Please dm me in discord for extra information as it's possibly important.
Discord Username (if applicable): Gamercodeleo1
In-Game Username: James_Lucky
In-Game Character Name: James Lucky
Real Life Age: 18

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
My old character was EMS and ran the BMC. I have other experience in other games, but that one is the most relevant.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I like forests we have in CC, and I think I could offer my time and skills to help out. I don't have a ton to do in game now, so this would be an excellent use of my time.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Treat head and neck wounds, then deep wounds, then minor cuts, then fractures, then disinfect and bandage stiches.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I can drive, but I currently have no mechanics skill.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
First I need to be sure, so I check their permits, and then make sure they are within the quotas permitted. I would arrest and fine them. Confiscating over quota or illegal items.
Discord Username (if applicable): Skittlestuff
In-Game Username: Liam_Lucky
In-Game Character Name: Liam Lucky
Real Life Age: 14

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
During the last iteration of KRP, I played as 2 characters who were in the police force for multiple weeks if not months each. I earned a high rank on both characters throughout my time as an officer through my hard work during events such as terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and assassination of elected candidates among other incidents.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I strive to become a park ranger because I have a desire to protect my community and the earth around it. I think I would be a good fit for the role because I have good problem solving skills for when tracking down evidence in forests, I am a master at foraging which is a great skill to have when searching for clues, and I have worked in many other police roles along side the rangers before.

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
Depending on the severity of the wound or wounds on the person I would first work on the deep wounds or lacerations on the vital parts of their body, stopping the bleeding and removing the foreign objects on places like their neck or head, then move down the body still working on the severe injuries as those bleed the most. I would then start to work on small wounds like scratches and cuts to disinfect and bandage so they injured person loses minimal blood and doesn't get infected.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I believe my driving skills are more than adequate to drive the ranger trucks on roads, through fields, or forests. I currently have one level in mechanics but have been working to raise the skill level.

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
If I found someone doing an illegal activity regarding my duties I would first make sure my body camera was on to capture the situation for evidence and to protect both parties. I would then walk up to them in a calm manner and ask what they were doing to gather more evidence, asking for things like their licenses to be doing said act. After talking to them, if I had enough evidence, I would then write them a ticket or arrest them depending on the severity of the crime committed.
Discord Username (if applicable): AliyahTheShortestIdiot
In-Game Username: Bohuslav Melnyk
In-Game Character Name: Bohuslav Melnyk
Real Life Age: 16

Either in real life or in video games, do you have any previous experience in being apart of an Emergency Medical or Law Enforcement team?
I have been law enforcement since the start of the iteration, a Captain.

Describe why you would like to be a Park Ranger and why you think you would be a good fit for the role:
I don’t want to be pd anymore and I think being in nature will be cool

How would you treat someone in critical condition with multiple injuries and that has either a bullet or glass in a wound(s) and why?
stitch the wounds on the torso, neck and head first then handle the rest.

And are your skills adequate to drive the Ranger truck? Do you have any mechanics skill? (mechanics skill is not a requirement)
I have no mechanic skills

If you found someone illegally fishing, hunting, trapping, logging, or mining. how would you handle the situation?
Tell them they can’t do that and either fine or make them leave